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"Ahem, I best be leaving you now Miss (L/N), I've taken up too much of your time already, and I seem to have left you speechless too," he smirks and walks off.

I can't handle another run in like that. Although I won't have to worry about it when I'm in London with Tracer.

"Love, really, I want to go home, but this is an emergency, please forgive me," Tracers voice rang through my phone. She had been called for an emergency mission to Numbani, meaning she wasn't able to come with me to London. I had begged Commander Morrison to take her off the mission, but he only said her skill set was crucial to their success. He suggested I ask Ana and, if I was uncomfortable with asking Ana, volunteered himself.

"Sir I couldn't, you're so busy and I wouldn't want to force you to work out of some hotel," I protested his suggestion. "Not that I don't want you around or anything! It's just I know it'd be difficult to run Overwatch from London."

Jack smiled at me. "You're thoughtful, Miss (L/N), but if you can't find someone before your flight leaves today it'll have to be me."

"Then don't worry, commander, I'll find someone!" A newfound determination surges through me as I turn on my heel to find any agents that don't have upcoming missions. Which was harder than I had anticipated. I had asked almost everyone and they either didn't want to or they were busy.

"Heard you were looking for a body guard, sweetness," A familiar southern drawl snapped me from my concentration.

"What of it?" I snapped, frustrated at the fact that I was practically out of options.

"Woah darlin' no need for hostility, I'm offering to come with you," I look at the cowboy suspiciously.

"Really? That'd be suspiciously helpful if you," I comment, not trusting how conveniently his offer had come.

"Yea, but I promise I mean no harm. Frankly I'm just tired of Señor Reyes breathing down my neck all the time," Jesse explains rubbing his neck.

"Señor Commander Reyes to you," As if summoned by name, Commander Gabriel Reyes appeared. "and the media is still against you kid so you aren't going anywhere until it dies down."

"Well that's not fair-" Jesse started but was quickly interrupted.

"Life isn't fair, (L/N),"

"Yes sir?"

"Take Genji, he's not assigned any missions and you're running out of time," the commander looked at his watch. "If you waste anymore time you'll be going with Morrison, who doesn't have the time to babysit you."

I flush, quickly glancing at my phone for the time. I had about an hour before my flight left.

"Shit, I have to go ask him!" I say nearly running off before Reyes grabs my arm.

"I'll tell him it's an order, just grab your things he'll meet you at the car," Reyes said sipping the coffee that's in his other hand.

"Oh gracias Commander!" Turning again I run to my new office, where I left my luggage. Jesse is on my tail trying to get my attention.

"Now hold on a minute (Y/N), you're not really gonna go alone with that cyborg, are ya?"

"He's my last option and I'm already late Jesse"

"Yea, but-" I turn, hoisting my duffle bag over my shoulder.

"I don't have time for buts, I'm late, I'll see you in two weeks."

"Wait-" Jesse grabs my wrist pulling me to face him.

"What Jesse!" I say exasperated. I need to go and I'm running out of patience.

"Just I-" he sighs and lets go of my wrist. "I want you to be safe okay? Genji sometimes forgets his humanity and I don't want you hurt by him." I still at his words.

"Jesse I'll be fine, he's not a omnic. I trust him." I walk out of my office leaving McCree by himself. Rushing out to the parking garage I find the car that's to take Genji and I to the airport. The fore mentioned man already inside the vehicle.

"Sorry I'm late, Genji, had to grab my bag," I apologize, slightly bowing to him. He nods at me.

"Well try not to be late to the actual conference and I'm sure you'll be fine," Genji's voice was soft, like he was trying to be gentle. I climb in the back seat setting my bag on my lap. I notice Genji's bag was just a small backpack.

"You pack so light," I observe out loud. Genji let out a small chuckle.

"I no longer require clothes, Miss (L/N)."

"Oh no, please, (Y/N) is just fine," I quickly correct Genji. Although this isn't the first time we've spoken, he's seemingly always called me Miss (L/N) or something similarly proper.

"(Y/N) then," Genji's eyes crinkled up, telling me he was smiling. I return the smile, wondering why Jesse would ever give me such a warning.

The car ride the the airport was silent from then, and even as we entered the airport we remained quietly rushed.

Genji opted to ninja his way through security, for lack of a better term. I had just gone through the priority access line. I saw him waiting at the terminal to our flight. I panic a moment.

"I forgot our tickets!" I scramble to dig through my bag. Almost dumping it out when Genji places his hand on my shoulder.

"Commander Reyes gave them to me, (Y/N)-San," he held out the tickets with his spare hand. Finding my panic amusing. Relief washes over me as well as annoyance. I crinkle my nose at him, my annoyance showing through.

"Coulda told me a bit earlier, Genji-Sama," I say trying to mock the cyborg. He seems to either ignore it or just doesn't notice as he corrects me.

"The honorific Sama is usually used for royalty or to refer to a God, San would be better for you to use, since it is used between co-workers," Genji's explanation is enough to rid me of annoyance. How could I be annoyed when he's so cute? I take his hand and guide us into the plane, letting go when I've found our seats.

We were in business class, which allowed us two decently spacious seats next to each other. As I settled into the window seat, Genji was fitting our luggage into the overhead compartment.

"Thank you, Genji. I was wondering, would you be willing to teach me some more Japanese?" I can't help but ask, curious as to his native language and culture. He nodded and for the rest of the flight he taught me simple phrases and how to respond. Well at least until I had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

His voice was soft and gentle, it was soothing after my stressful afternoon. Before I knew it Genji was shaking my shoulder.

"Wake up (Y/N)-San, we've landed."

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