The car ride to Elle's was longer than I honestly anticipated, a sigh parting my lips as the car ride was almost completely silent. Lee tried to spark some sort of conversation, but fell short each time, the male sighing loudly as he grunted.

Pulling up to the cute two story home, I glanced at Lee flashing him a small smile, "You know, we'd be the first ones to die if we were apart of that Quiet Place movie."

"Shut up!" Snorting, he pushed my shoulder as we laughed, and I moved from my seat, hitting the lever giving Elle room to leave as she glanced at Noah, her cheeks a light red. Not wanting to stare, I looked up at the light blue sky, watching the clouds float. 

"You can get back in the car Mars." Noah's voice interrupted my thoughts, my eyes flickering to the male in the back arching an eyebrow as he chuckled, "She just sent a text saying she's just going to stay home."

"Shouldn't you go get her then?" Leaning against the car, I arched an eyebrow gesturing for the dummy to follow her, Noah grunting in response as I scowled, "I can have a Lee day, it's fine. You're leaving, spend today with her and smooth things out, tomorrow we'll have Nars time."

"Nars time?" I couldn't help but to beam as a grin formed on his face, the stubborn male nodding as he chuckled, "Deal." Climbing out from the back of the seat, he ruffled my hair with a sigh muttering, "Don't have too much fun without me, alright?"

"That might be impossible, it's a day with Lee." Laughing quietly, I adjusted the seat back in place, a smile on my own lips as I sat down, glancing to Lee asking daringly, "Ready for the most incredible day of your life?"

"I was born ready babe." Playfully winking, he grinned waving at a disappointed Noah, backing out from the driveway and toward the Flynn house, the drive being not so quiet anymore as I turned up the radio, our heads nodding along to the tunes. Pulling up and into the garage, it was obvious no one else was home, all the cars gone.

Hopping out and heading into the cooled home, I sighed laying on the couch closing my eyes, my body relaxing as Lee asked, "Want to go to the beach? There's a little get together, most of the class is going to be there?"

"Definitely!" Picking up my phone, I smiled seeing Nicholas popping up on the screen, "Go change, I'll be here!" Quick to rush outside, I smiled clicking the green icon, Nick's voice booming through the earpiece, "Mars!"

"Hey! How's work going?" Leaning against the wall, I couldn't help but to smile, though the feeling of homesickness overwashed as I heard his voice. I was never apart from Nick, and to know be hundreds of miles away, barely speaking is a adjustment for us all.

He chuckled, though you could hear in his voice a bit of sadness as he mused, "It's been going. Lots of drills, everything aches."

"You could always come home..." 

"Marie... London is my home.." A sigh parted his lips, his voice tired as he murmured, "I can't abandon my responsibilities Marie.. I can send you to the private school, pay for everything, make everything comfortable, set up your future and mine."

"Nick.." Sighing softly, I shook my head murmuring, "Money isn't worth your life.."

"I'm not going to die though, Marie I'm perfectly safe... Honestly I'm happy here, I met some pretty amazing people here..." Distracted, he sighed louder, clearing his throat, "Are they treating you well?"

"It's Mrs. Flynn, of course. She even stocked the house with food and bathroom supplies, she even found my favorite bodywash." Nodding my head, I smiled, making the mental reminder to thank her again, "Lee's been great. Noah though, his girlfriend isn't the fondest of me." 

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