Chapter 26

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AN: I'm gonna finish this story then focus my attention on my three other stories. This story will be over very soon. I will probably just write this chapter then the epilogue. 


As soon as we got inot sight of the baggage claim, I could see about a hundred fans there waiting behind the line. I also saw Liz and Andrew Hemmings, Karen and Daryl Clifford, Joy and David Hood, and Anne Irwin. The siblings weren't here, which made things better I guess. I'm still really nervous. I mean, I should be nervous I guess. I haven't seen any of Luke's family in ten years and now I'm coming back as his girlfriend? Won't that be a little weird?

Luke grabbed my hand and smiled at me, "Come on, don't worry, okay? Remember they already love you." He started to pull me to the parents at the baggage claim. I smiled lightly at him and followed willingly. As we got closer to Liz, Luke let go of my hand and hugged her. I smiled lightly as I watched them hug, They looked so happy to see each other.

Liz looked over at me and let go of Luke, "Eden! Look at you! You've grown up!' She pulled me into a big hug and I hugged her back, "Yeah, I guess that's what happens to kids." I laugh a little. She smiles and lets go of me, "We should get your bags and get to the little party we are throwing at my house." She smiles at the two of us. 


We get into the cars with everyone else, I sat in the middle of the back row with Luke and Michael. Michael was leaning forward and messing with Jackie. Jackie was sitting in front of him with Liz and Becca. Ashton was sitting up front next to our guard who is driving us. Calum, Sarah, and all of the other parents were crammed into the other SUV. 

We made our way out to Luke's parents house. As we pulled up you could see the cars there. I could tell that Luke's brothers and their families were there, Calum's sister, I saw one teen-aged girl and a younger boy running out of the house, they looked like they were related to Ashton, so I'm guessing that they are his siblings. When the car stops Ash jumps out and runs to meet them, which means I was right. 

Everyone in the house comes out to greet us. Jack and Ben come out, and Jack has a girl with him. I see Calums sister, I think her name is Mila-Koa. Michael doesn't have any siblings but he apparently as some friends here. While everyone says hello, I follow Luke up to his brothers. Luke hugs them both with small hello's, then pulls me up, "Everyone remembers Eden right?" Ben is the first to smile and give me a hug, and apparently he was a little too friendly for Luke's taste. 

Jack smiles at me, "Hey! So, you haven't meet Celeste!" He wraps an arm around the girl with him, "Celeste, Eden, Eden, Celeste. Celeste is my fiance." He says to me, "And Eden is Luke's girlfriend." He tells Celeste. I smile at her, "Nice to meet you!" I shake her hand, "It's nice to meet you too!" She smiles back at me. 

After we all greet each other, I meet all of the families and friends and I get to see Molly again, we head to the backyard for some snacks and drinks. Luke grabs a beer from the cooler and offers me one, but since I'm only seventeen, turning eighteen very soon, I decline, "I'll just have a few sips of yours." I smile and kiss him quickly on the lips before getting a water from the second cooler. 


After a while, I get pulled into talking with Celeste and Liz. They are both so sweet, they said that Luke gave them some money to go shopping to get the furniture that's in our house. I learned that Luke and I will be attending the weekly Friday family dinners, and that I am able to come over here and ask for help with anything any time. 

So far I had left Luke alone for about thirty minutes, he was talking with all the boys and he was on, what looked like, his third beer. Should be fun walking home with him. By this time most of the people have left, the only people left were Luke's family. I started to help Liz clean up the place a little bit, "So, do Celeste and Jack have a date for their wedding yet?" I asked as we cleaned up the table with snacks on it.

Liz shrugged, "I don't think so, They haven't been engaged long, so I don't think it will be anytime soon, they tend to take things slow." She smiled at me, "Now what about you and Luke, how's that going?" We finished getting all the trash off the table and started to take the empty bowls with us inside.

"Well, we plan to get kinda take the next month or so to unpack and settle into our house, we are also going to get two kittens once we are ready to get them, then I guess I'll get a part time job, Luke will work with his band, and yeah." I smiled at her and set the bowls in the sink with the one's she set down. 

"Well, if the two of you are gonna get settled in for the night, you should probably get going." She looked over at Luke and the others, "Luke, It's time for you to go honey!" She called to him then walked over to the rest of the family with me. Luke was saying goodbye to his dad, brothers, and Celeste when we got over there. 

Liz hugged him and then me. After a few minutes of saying goodbye to everyone, we said our final goodbye's from the door way then closed the door. Luke wasn't too drunk, but he was a little tippsy still. You held his hand as you walked, "So, what do you want to unpack when we get home?" You look up at him and smile lightly.

Luke smiled down at you too, "I was thinking maybe the bedroom..." He trailed off and wrapped his arm around me. I laughed at him and kept walking, "I was thinking the kitchen first, babe." I wrapped my arms around his torso as we walk. Luke giggled, "Wanna race to the house?" He lets go of me and starts to get ready to run. I laughed at him, "Okay, ready?" I lined up with him. 

After three seconds, Luke yells go, and starts to run to the house. I laugh and just start to walk behind him. Luke keeps running till he gets to our front yard, trips on a root, and falls onto his face. I laugh lightly and start to run to see if he's hurt, "Luke? You okay, baby?" You kneel down next to him in the grass and stroke his hair. He got up and sat in front of you and looked at his knees and elbows. 

"Aw, Luke, look at your face." You took his face in your hands and looked at his scrape, "Come on, lets go inside and get you cleaned up." I stood up and helped him inside. It was such a pretty house, the furniture was all in the correct room and places, everything was amazing, all of the furniture was in the right places, and it all looked amazing. 

"Okay, go sit in the kitchen, I'll find the first aid kit." I kissed him softly and then let him go off to the kitchen. I walked to the bathroom and opened the box in there. I found the first aid kit on the top and grabbed it."Okay, Luke, I found it." You yelled and walked back to the kitchen to see Luke sitting on the counter, "Luke, just get a chair, I cant reach you up there." I pulled a chair up and smiled at him. Luke whined about it for a minute then got into the chair and waited. 

I cleaned off the scratch on his face and finished it up, "Ready to unpack?" I smiled and picked up all the first aid kit. Luke got up and smiled at me, "Want to just watch some TV and cuddle?" He wrapped his arms around my waist. I laughed a little bit and turned around, "Luke, We are gonna have to unpack some day you know." 

Luke smiled at me and looked over at the boxes, " We can unpack tomorrow, we can spend all day unpacking then we can have the band and the girls over and have dinner and all hang out." You smiled, "Okay, fine, go put the TV on, I'm gonna go find our pj's." I ran off to get our clothes. Luke turned on the TV.

After a few hours we were laying on our couch together starting the second movie of the night, slowly falling asleep together, for the first, and not last time. 

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