Chapter 4

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Eden's POV.

As soon as I finished talking to my sister and she said that she would get me. I walked into Luke's bathroom to splash some water on my face. I was going to leave in just a few minutes, so I should go and say goodbye to him and the rest of his band. The guys were nice, at least they seemed nice to me. I would love to like here with them, and be with Luke. But he has a girlfriend, and he apparently likes another girl as well. Which really sucks.

I came up with a plan. I'll say goodbye to Luke, I'll continue sending letters to Luke's house everyday, and his family will send them to him. I'll forget this ever happened. And I'll go back to taking classes at the community college and working at the local ice cream shop. I'll meet a normal okay looking guy and fall in love with him and then we'll  get married and have kids and I'll still write Luke. I'll never forget Luke, he was my first love, and he'll be my last.

I splashed water on my face. As I look back up, I notice how I do look the same to Luke. I haven't changed much. I have the same dark blue eyes, and the same dirty blond hair, the same little nose, and the same smile. I took a deep breath and dryer my face off with the hand towel. I don't wear much makeup, and all of my makeup stayed on thankfully.

I walked out of the bathroom and into Luke's room. The next step was walking into the hallway, I'm not sure if I can do that. I do it anyways. I walk into the hall and hear the boys talking in the kitchen. They are all being really quiet, so I walk into the kitchen to see what they are talking about. As soon as I enter the room, they all look up at me, "Um, I have to go, my sister is on her way to get me" I nod and look at Luke, he looks hurt, his eyes are a little teary.

"I'll walk you downstairs," He walks over to me and carefully takes my small hand in his,"Let's go," He smiled sadly at me and walked me to the door. This was all very odd, the other boys were watching in silence, like they were watching a movie. Luke and I made it into the hall and I looked at him, "I'm sorry, I can't do this, it's too hard for me," I pull my hand out of his and start to walk away from him to the stairs. And of course I start to cry again. This past hour has had too much tears in it, I just need to leave.

Luke grabs my arm, "Ed, please don't go, I love you and I need you in my life. I've missed you so much and I can't loose you again after I just got you back" He looked at me with hurt eyes. That was the one thing that made me stand right there. His eyes. Those light blue eyes where what held me in place. My world stopped, I couldn't loose him again either, but I can't just stand around waiting for him to see that I love him, I just cant. 

"Please Luke, I'm sorry, I just can't" I say with a shaky voice then pull out of his grip and start to walk to the stairs again. I wrap my arms around my stomach, nothing has gotten me this upset since the first time I had to leave him to move here. I cried all the way to the US that day. My life had been ripped apart because of my fathers job, I didn't understand then. Now, my life is being put back together, but I think its the wrong way to do this. I have learned to live with this, without my best friend talking to me, or sending me letters anymore. It has become normal for me, I only cry when I read a sad book, or watch 'The Fault In Our Stars'. This isn't me, Luke can't change me, I won't let this happen to me. 

Luke, being the persistent little butt he is, followed me again. I heard his loud footsteps behind me. He was walking right behind me, "Eden, wa-" I cut him off there, I turned around, we were inches apart, "Don't tell me to wait Luke! I told you I cant do this! Its not right for me to barge in on your life like this! Any you shouldn't be trying to make me stay when it isn't your decision!" At this point, I'm yelling at him, but I haven't moved from right in front of him. 

His expression dropped, "You're right, i'm gonna let you go run away from me, like you did to me before. I'll just walk around with my favorite person gone, out of my life forever, does that sound fair to you Eden? Because it sure doesn't sound fair to me!" He yelled right back at me. I'm sure his friends were listening through the wall, but I didn't care, let the world here our fight, its not like this is going to lead anywhere. I'm just going to leave, and he is going to go back to normal, because that's what Luke does, he goes back to normal. 

"You know what Luke, I'm such an Idiot, to think you might be the same, to think that we could go back to the way we were before I had to leave. And for the record, I had to leave because of my Dad's job! That was not my fault!" I took a step closer to him. I was still crying, but my voice was strong. I remember fighting with Luke when we were little, He has always been bigger than me, so he would pin me on the ground and then we would yell at each other. I'm sure that if he wanted to, he could pin me to the floor, or to the wall now. 

Luke shook his head and turned around, he took a few steps and ran his finger through his hair, messing up his perfect quiff. Then all of the sudden he was right in front of me again, looking down at me, "No, it cant be like that, you know why Eden? Because I love you! Okay? I love you more that you will ever know, and I just want you to see that!" By this point in the argument, we were both using hand gesters. 

What he said froze me in place. Did he just say he loves me? That can't be right, he has a girlfriend and I'm so much uglier than her. He is a big rock star, and I'm some book nerd. Hearing that he loves me back was the best thing and worst thing that has happened today. I love him too, and I think this fight might have just ruined our chances of being together, "I-um," I look down and see that I got a text from my sister saying that she was in the parkinglot, "I love you too, but you have a girlfriend, and I have to go." I turn and start to run down the stairs before he can say anything about it. I make it to my sisters car and get in the passenger seat. 

I have tears streeming down my face, and I look like a mess, "Lets go home" I buckle and put my head in my hands. Mia looks me over and shakes her head, "Eden, what happened? Why are you crying now? I thought you were just gonna leave without talking to him anymore." She started to drive home. I could still smell him, that smell I can't place, my favorite smell, "He said he loves me, but he has a girlfriend, and I dont want to change my life just for a guy. I dont know what to do anymore." I lean against the car door as we drive home. I watch the trees can other cars, and buildings pass us on our way home. 

When Mia stops the car, she sits there for a minute then looks at me, "Will you be happy without him?" This was an easy question, because I have been without him for so long, "No, I'll miss him like crazy." My voice is scratchy from yelling at him. Mia nods and takes a breath, "Then you need to see him again, tomorrow morning, after work, I'll get you ready and I'll drive you to the hotel." Without giving me time to respond she gets out of the car and walks to the stairs up to our apartment. 

Now I'm alone with my thoughts, and thats not a good thing for me. I take a few deep breaths and lean back into my seat,  I close my eyes and try to think. I love him, and he loves me, then why is this all so hard? Why am I holding back? Whats is scaring me? After a few minutes, I finelly understand why I am so scared and whats holding me back. I dont want to loose him like I did before, I cant breakup with him, we wont be friends anymore if we do, but if I dont go out with him, we wont be friends. So, I have made my choice, I'll see him tomorrow.


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Letters//Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now