Chapter 11

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AN: Guys I'm so bad at putting picture on here!! The picture on this one is Mia, just imagine that she had light green eyes! Okay, So I have the whole rest of the story kind of planed out, I think you guys will really really like the ending. Comment how you want it to end!


Luke held my hand as we walked into the pizza place, it was pretty quiet since it wasn't yet time for people to get off work. There was one other person in front of us, so we stood in line, "So, after we eat do you want to go get ice cream then find a place with wifi and look for some apartments?" I turn around and lean against the wall then take his other hand in my other hand. Luke smiled and turned to face me , "Sounds great, I was thinking maybe a two bedroom two bath?" He nodded and pulled me down the line as one person went away. 

"Yeah, I like that idea" I smiled at him and let go of one of his hands as I took a few steps. Living with Luke was going to be so much fun, always having him with me at some point in the day, we are going to get in so much trouble living together. I giggle and shake my head at the though, "Can we get a kitten!?" The idea popped into my head all of the sudden and I loved it, "Sure! Maybe a little tuxedo kitten?" He smiled and looked at me. 

I nod and smile back at him, we walk up to the counter and I order a medium roadkill and two soda's, Luke pays and we get out peanuts and go to sit down. We sit in the corner where no one can really see us, just in case some fans come in, "I don't like the peanuts so you can have them all." I tell Luke and he takes the little basket, "What do I do with the shells?" I laugh a little, "Put them on the floor!" I motion to the ground that is covered in peanut shells and saw dust.

Luke looked at me like I was crazy, "Really? Just on the floor where someone have to come and clean it all up?" I shake my head, "They don't clean it up, its just the floor. They just leave it there, its part of the charm" I smile at him and he shakes his head, "Do you know how unsanitary this is?" I role my eyes, "It's fine, It's not like you're gonna like the floor, right?" I look at him and smile lightly. Luke nods, "Right" He throws his peanut shell on the ground, and kicks me lightly under the table. 

"Okay, So, did you keep all of the letters I sent you when we were little?" I ask and lean back in my chair with my arms crossed. Luke nodded, "Every single letter, I have them in a few little boxes" He smiled and leaned into the table with his arms crossed and holding him up on the table, "What about you? Did you keep the ones I sent you?" I nod and smile lightly, "I have them all, in one box, I read them all of the time."

I think of the most recent letter that I got from him, He kinda just want along talking and how he missed me and how his life was, it ended with just a simple 'Luke' like all of the newer letters do. He dropped putting 'Love Luke' about a year ago, probably when he started dating Annabelle. I started missing that, so I didn't pay much attention to the letters after that. He had started to not write as much when he joined the band and got a little big, then as he got bigger, the letters slowly went away.

"Why? After I joined the band, my letters started sucking, all I would talk about was myself." He shook his head and looked at me, "Why did you spend that time sending me letters when I didn't send you letters anymore?" He wanted to know why? There was only reason why I had kept writing him, only one reason I kept all of his most recent letters. Because I love him, I have loved him since I saw him waving goodbye to me as I left for California.

"I kept them all because I thought I would never see you, I've loved you forever, and I knew that I was the only one with these letters, and they are very special to me." I blush lightly and shrug, "I wanted to have something to remember you by, I didn't want to loose the memories." Luke smiled lightly, "When did you fall in love with me?" Of course he asked that. The answer is forever, but that might sound weird. 

"For a very long time." I nod and look down, Luke smiles and reaches of her table and lifts my chin up, "Don't look down, I like looking at your eyes" He smiled and moved his hand. The pizza came and I grabbed a slice and put it on my plate. This was my favorite pizza ever. Luke got a slice an took a bite, "Oh my God, where has this been my whole life?" He continued eating. I laughed a little, "Here with me" I looked at him and smiled. He shook his head and chuckled. 

I am one of those people that love food, but I have a quick metabolism system, so everyone I know gets mad at me when I don't get fat. It's not my fault, but its sure something I want. I know everyone thinks I need to eat more, but what they don't understand is that I eat like there is no tomorrow,all I do is eat and read. Yet people still want me to eat more. I just tell them to get over it. 

Luke and I ate the whole freaking pizza. The whole thing. Luke finished all of the peanuts too, "Are you sure you have room for ice cream?" I laughed a little and smiled at him, "Oh, I have plenty of room for ice cream." He nodded and stood up then held his hand out for me to take. We should walk so we don't have to park again, This isn't a big place so we should be fine walking." He nodded. I took his hand and we walked to the front door. 

"Okay, so we have to cross the street over here, then we have to cross again to get to the right place." I start to lead him there and he pulls me the other way, "We can just run across the street. On my mark, okay?" I hate J-walking, because if I get hit then its my fault. Luke waits on the side of the sidewalk and watches for an opening, "Ready?" I nod and hold onto his hand tightly. All of the sudden Luke yells run and I bolt with him out onto the street, I don't see anything but the other sidewalk, where I want to be. 

Once we get over Luke pulls me into a hug, "Good job baby" He kisses my forehead and then takes my hand again. We walk into the building and the co-worker I was talking to earlier runs over to me and hugs me, "O-M-G! Hi! I missed you! Is this your boyfriend? He's cute!" I nod and smile lightly, "Yeah, this is Luke, Luke this is Lilly, I work with her." I nod and look up at Luke. Luke shakes her hand and takes a picture with her. 

When she leaves we finely get to go up and order our Ice cream. I get lots of questions about how I'm doing and if I got all of the ice cream out of my hair and stuff. I order a double scoop of the cookie dough in a waffle cone, and Luke orders the same, but with cookies and cream instead of cookie dough. I silently judge him. Once we got our ice cream we go sit down. In the back in the corner, again. I love being on a date with Luke, but it sucks having to sit in the back. Luke and I eat our ice cream, "So, where should we go after this?" I ask him and take another bite of my ice cream. Luke smiles, "I was thinking maybe the swinging bridge?"

Letters//Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now