Chapter 2

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My sister stopped the car in the parking lot of Klondike's pizza place in the village. We often came here to eat, it was the best pizza in the whole world. Mia said that we had to come to the village, because it was such a big tourist attraction. So she decided to pull me along through the shops and look for 5sos.

After about ten minutes I decided we should just give up, "It's not like I'm just gonna turn around and Luke hemmings is gonna be standing in front of me!" That was my come back to her saying we had only been here ten minutes.

"I have an idea, to get you more exited about this all. How about we look for something you remember him liking as a little boy. Something no one know he likes." She smiled at me like she had just found a hundred dollar bill.

"I'm pretty sure that's impossible, his fans know everything about him, even that he loves penguins, that was our big thing, I called him Pengui." I walked around the little shop  and sighed. I missed calling him that, Pengui, such a cute little name. He used to call me Ed, and I loved that. Suddenly I got the best idea, and it did cheer me up.

"Mia! Go look for Luke! I'm gonna get something really quick!" I almost yell at her as I run to the back of the store. There is a place where someone will engrave something on a necklace for you. I walked up to the counter and smiled at the young man behind the counter, "Hi, I need two silver necklace, please." I stood there and looked at his tools and everything behind the counter.

"What do you want on the first one?" He started to get his supplies ready to make my two necklaces.

"The first one is going to say 'Pengui' spelled P-E-N-G-U-I" I smiled at him and her started on it. As he did that I thought about one letter that Luke sent me. It had started off differently than the rest of the letters 'Ed' and it ended differently 'Yours, Pengui'. The letter was one that I had cried over at the time. I got it about four years after I moved. He had written about his new girlfriend. Yet he didn't know that I was in love with him at the time. I read that ever girl goes through that, liking their best friend. I grew out of it, or at least I keep telling myself that, I hope I have grown out of it. In the middle of that letter he said something that I will hold him up to till the day he dies. He said 'Ed, you are my Ed, no one else's, mine and I love you, never let anyone else call you Ed, because you're mine.' I hope he remembers that, because that's the letter that has tears staining the paper, and the one that has been crumpled the most. That letter is my favorite and least favorite of all letters.

The guy at the counter, his name was Riley, handed me the first necklace, "And on the second one?" He asked as he got the next necklace in place.

"Ed, just E-D" I nodded at him and gave him a polite smile. This one wouldn't take as long as Luke's did, since his had a few more letters than mine. I can't decide if I'm gonna give him the one that says 'Ed' or the one that says 'Pengui'.

After a few minutes, I had both of my necklaces and I had just finished paying. I decide that it would probably be a good idea to go find my sister since I have been gone for so long. So I text her and then keep walking. I finely see her talking to some guy a few shops down and I walk over to her.

"Hey, let's go," I look at her and smile lightly, waiting for her to start moving, or tell me where Luke is, "Eden, can't you see I'm talking to someone, go away, I'll catch up." She rolls her eyes at me and then continues talking.

Well, this is just great, I don't really want to be here, and I have no idea what to do. I take a deep breath and walk into the next store, as I walk around it starts to get pretty crowded. I decide to go to a corner of a the shop and look a little vanity. I sit down on the little stool and look at the different shells on the table. I have always been into shells for somereason. One time I went to the beach with my family and Luke's family, all we did was find a bunch of shells to take home.

All of the sudden I hear someone's voice right next to my ear, "Hey Ed" The sound of his voice give me the shivers. I look in the mirror and see a tall blonde boy bent down next to me looking at me in the mirror. His bright blue eyes shining at me, his handsome smile showing his white teeth.

"Luke!" I quickly turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug, "I've missed you so much!" And like a baby, I start to cry. I'm so stupid, why am I crying? This is all stupid. I fell his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him.

"I've missed you too" He whispers into my neck. His head is buried in my neck and shoulder, while mine is in his neck. He smells the same, like a smell I can't place. I never could place.

After a few minutes with girls snapping pictures of us and us just sitting there hugging, we finely pulled apart. I stood up and wiped my tears away, "I don't know why I cried, I'm so stupid" I laugh lightly, but my laugh is shaky.

Luke smiles and shrugs, " It's fine," He looks down at me, " you look the same Ed" He grinned and put his hands in his pockets.

I laughed a little, my voice now getting steady. "Really? Even after seven whole years?" I punch his arm playfully.

He nodded and grabbed my hand, "come with me, I want you to meet my band " he started to pull me along through the shop to the front, but I stopped in the doorway and looked at him, "I got you something" I let go of his hand and pulled out the necklace that said 'Ed' on it and handed it to him then pulled out mine.

"I know they're a little cheesy, but I like them" I shrug and put mine on the look up to see his face. Luke already had his on and had the biggest smile on his face, "I love it, Thank you" He hugged me again and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He was so tall, and it was weird, because I'm tall, but he's taller than me. I'm used to being the tallest out of all the people i hangout with, but with Luke, he's taller. I only come up to his shoulders. 

Luke pulled away and grabbed my hand again and smiled, "you have to meet the band, and my girlfriend." He started pulling me again. My heart sank at that word, the mention of his girlfriend. I guess those feelings haven't left.

Letters//Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now