Chapter 4: Love & War

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Unknown POV:
The conversation Aoi and Sin Woo-jin was interrupted by the front door do the club being kicked in. Everyone watched as Jinosuke stormed in while shouting; "Sin Woo-Jin! Let Kayami go, you bastard!" Sin Woo-Jin wrapped an arm around Aoi's shoulder as he announced; "Jinosuke! That door is going to cost you quite some money! Kayami-chan came to my club of her own free will! Sad enough you had to grovel at her feet for her attention!" Jinosuke clicked his tongue before saying; "Like hell she'll fall for some Tae-Yeon playboy! Kayami! Get out of here! This is between me and him!" Kayami sighed in annoyance; "Well my night is now officially ruined. I'm heading home, g'night boys don't kill each other on my account." They watch Aoi leave out the side door and while she walks away from the building, she hears stuff breaking inside. Her walk to her apartment was a bit of a journey as she had to navigate through a sea of civilians (image above) on the streets. She was daydreaming about the world around her and failed to notice a young boy bumping into her. She looked down at the boy who said; "Sorry..." Aoi's glare turned to a kind gaze before she heard a woman nervously say; "Ku Sung-Ho! Get over here quickly. Sorry miss, it won't happen again." Aoi watch the Mother and Son rush off into the crowd before she continued walking to her apartment.

She was around the corner from her door until she heard a fight which caused her to check while asking aloud; "Who now, god damn it?!" She looked and saw a bunch of men on the street beaten black and blue before she saw the cause

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She was around the corner from her door until she heard a fight which caused her to check while asking aloud; "Who now, god damn it?!" She looked and saw a bunch of men on the street beaten black and blue before she saw the cause. A man (image above) faced off against twenty men in black fancy suits before ripping his shirt off. Thirteen of the men ran off before one shouts; "Shit, it's Cha Nam-Gi!!!" The foolish seven men who stayed, charged at Cha Nam-Gi who did some dance style moves to beat them down. Aoi had enough watching and was about to turn to leave before making eye contact with him. The corner of his lip flexed up to form a smirk before he returned his attention to the fight. Aoi assumed he won as she climbed the steps to her door on the 3rd floor, ending her day by face planting on the soft couch. The next morning she was awoken by the radio alarm as the new reported; "All out gang war last night at the Oniji Shipping Warehouses at the Docks as well as the South Market. Witnesses believe Akira Yakuza Clan and Tae-Wean Korean Mafia were in an a turf war last night, leaving many injured and hundreds of thousands worth of damages. More updates later this eve~" Aoi shoved the radio off the table causing the batteries to fall out when it hit the floor. She stretched and said; "Might as well get something to eat." She leaves her apartment and walks to the Market to see the damages from last nights fight. As she walked, she was stopped by a line of men in black suits, the one in charge said; "Tsubaki-sama...the Boss asked we take you to our office."

Aoi laughed before saying; "I'm not going anywhere with you

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Aoi laughed before saying; "I'm not going anywhere with you." Footsteps behind her caused her to turn and see a line of men led by Cha Nam-Gi who said; "So you are Kayami-chan...Sin Woo-Jin said you were cute. We'll deal with these Akira idiots and take you to see Sin Woo-Jin." Aoi exclaimed; "The hell?! Can't I walk a block without men coming after me?!" Aoi was then grabbed and thrown over a shoulder of a masked man who came out of nowhere and ran off with her. Both groups were confused at first and chased after the masked man. Aoi shouted; "Seriously?! Let me go idiot or I'll kick your teeth in!" The masked man tightened his grip on her and they managed to lose the chasing gangsters. Once they stopped, the masked man dropped her in an alley before she punched him in the gut. He raised his hands to stop her while saying; "Boss it's me!" The masked man ripped off his mask to reveal he was Yoshitsune who said; "Surprise!" Aoi asked; "What the hell are you doing here?!" Yoshitsune answered; "Here to get you! Your kidnapping was a plot for the Date Clan to lose the Mega Mall." Aoi asked; "What?!" Shouting in the distance halt the conversation; "I think they went this way!" Aoi quickly grabbed Yoshitsune's hand and dragged him while saying; "I know a place we can talk."

The two run through alleys to avoid being seen and reach a bar by the water, the slip in as the Bartender greeted; "Welcome back, Kayami! Oh, a boyfriend I assume?"Aoi said; "I need the back room, Mr. Wong...private conversation." The Bartender said; "Oh...congratulations!" Yoshitsune said as he was dragged in the back room; "It's nothing like that!" The door slammed shut before Aoi said while sitting on a crate; "Start from the beginning." Yoshitsune said; "Your kidnapping was done by Patriarch Ikari." Aoi replied; "I know, he put me on a boat here instead of choosing to kill me." Yoshitsune nods before saying; "He told us that, but left out the fact he actually didn't kill you only to send you to Nagasaki to be an offering to the Golden Snake Triad." Aoi asked; "Who? I've never heard of them yet?" Yoshitsune said; "That's because they are letting the Akira Family and the Tae-Yeon Mafia kill each other and take whatever is left. They hide in the shadows and wait to strike when the enemy is weak...they want to expand all the way up to Sendai." Aoi puts together; "So Ikari-san uses me as a bargaining chip for an alliance and he can control the Date Clan?"

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