Chapter 10: Paid in Blood

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Unknown POV:
The lockdown was lifted on the Date HQ with the meeting underway. Chairman Date spoke; "The city is back under our control, and Soto Clan soldiers are nowhere to be seen. I think it's best we finally discuss the new Chairman." Aoi interjects; "With all due respect, I'd rather we worry about this after we are sure our enemies are dead. Joji is still in the wind!" Patriarch Kido said; "I agree with Izumi, let's crown me and get after Soto." Patriarch Shiro spat; "Such talk for a brat. I agree with Aoi, only for her good judgment." Patriarch Kido retorts; "Ha! You only kiss her ass to get into her pants!" Patriarch Takayama spoke with authority which stopped Shiro from attacking Kido; "Enough! The Chairman will decide and that's final!" Chairman Date said humbly; "Thank you, Benkei. You have made my are fit to be the Second Chairman of the Date Clan." All eyes were on Patriarch Takayama who was also in shock before Aoi comments with a smile; "Knew you'd get it, Aniki." Patriarch Takayama was still stunned as he said; "I don't know what to say..." Aoi offered; "Maybe say we should focus into finding Joji before he returns and finds us?" Patriarch Shiro huffed; "At least taking out my frustration on Soto thugs will help me get over this." Chairman Date said with his hand resting on Takayama's shoulder; "We will have a proper ceremony tonight."

The entire Clan had assembled their soldiers to stand and bow in rows to form a path to the alter (image at top). Chairman Date led the Patriarchs to the alter where they stood at each side before Patriarch Takayama approached. Chairman Date asked in a serious tone; "Benkei Takayama...will you lead this clan to glory as its Chairman?" Patriarch Takayama said sternly; "I will." Chairman Date extends a cup to Patriarch Takayama who takes it as Chairman Date picks up another cup. The two raise their cups and drink in unison before every Date Clan member bowed at Chairman Takayama. He looked at the soldiers and then his fellow Patriarch's before saying; "I will be counting on you all as Date-san." Aoi was first to bow before the others followed in suit, she then said; "If I may offer Chairman...we should begin our search for Joji Soto." Chairman Takayama said with a nod; "Right, sooner we have one less enemy, the sooner we can get back to business."

They return to the Date HQ as the soldiers search the city from ports to highway limits. Chairman Takayama sat at the head of table as the other Patriarchs spoke, Patriarch Kido said; "We got every eye in Sendai looking for Joji Soto. What can we do?" Patriarch Shiro spat; "We should just say, fuck the PD and turn this city upside down to find him." Aoi enters the room while saying; "That won't be necessary. Our friend in politics says that Joji is hold up in an office building protected by government employed mercenaries." Patriarch Shiro says with a clap of his hands; "Excellent! Now we get to killing!" Aoi corrected; "Not exactly, Natsume. These are professionally trained killers, they would beat us in twenty minutes. Besides, an attack on that building is already underway. Kan and Shosuke are watching it and told me that some shadow is killing mercenaries left and right." Chairman Takayama comments; "Presumably, Junya." Aoi said with a nod; "I will handle him. Seeing how I got to him at my office, I think there is a chance we can bring him back." Chairman Takayama warns; "If it's too late, he needs to be ended. We can't have someone with his skills an enemy of the Clan. I'm sorry, Aoi...but that's for the best of the Date Clan."

Outside the office building with mercenary corpses littered everywhere, Patriarchs Shiro, Izumi, and Kido stand with their men. Aoi said; "I'll go straight up and finish this...Tadashi, Kido, stay here and secure the area, bribe any cops that come here. Natsume, Shiro, take my boys and kill any mercenaries you come across." Shiro and Natsume run inside the building with the others and start killing mercenaries who are caught off guard. The elevator opens and Aoi slips inside to take it to the top floor and waits patiently until the doors slide open. She is met by the end of four barrels of machine guns wielding mercenaries who usher her to the office where Joji Soto looked at her with relief. He sighed before speaking; "I knew he wouldn't use the elevator but I'm surprised you'd come here yourself." Aoi said bluntly with her hands level with her head; "I've come here for Junya, you are just a last piece to my revenge." Joji huffed; "It wasn't personal you stupid bitch, it was just business and my revenge for what your Chairman did to my family."Aoi spat; "I heard the story. You and your men sloppily kill civilians in the crossfire while killing your rivals. Date-san had help from other Clans in Japan to track you down and kill your Clan!" Joji took a pistol from the drawer before saying; "Doesn't matter! (points pistol at Aoi) You will stop that bastard from killing me or you can join me in death." Aoi was dragged to the center of the room with Joji before the lights went out around them.

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