Chapter 8: Facing The Past

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Unknown POV:
Aoi sat in her office, leaning forward on the edge of her chair with her hands clasped and her elbows resting on her knees. She had flashbacks everything she was running from before and after joining the Date Clan.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Kakasu | 14 years ago~~~~~~~~~~~
Aoi walked the streets full of cabaret clubs, she ended her shift after being known as the dominatrix of the caberet. Submissive men groveled at her feet as she controlled every conversation, earning gifts and cash for just seconds her attention. The sound of sniffling caught her attention from a nearby alley, causing her to investigate and to come across a young boy in torn clothes. She looked down pitifully at the boy who looked up at her with a hint of fear, she offered a hand while saying; "C'mon...this is no place for a young boy." He backed up until he hit the wall and watched her cautiously. Aoi continued her kind approach; "My name is Aoi...can you tell me your name?" The boy was silent and suddenly his stomach growled, immediately Aoi said; "If you won't come with me to a restaurant, then I'll bring the food to you." She walks off and returns quickly to see the boy hiding behind a dumpster. She kneels and holds out the box of food with kind eyes she says; "Here...I'm sure it's better than whatever you find in there." The boy looked at her and then the food before slowly approaching until quickly snatching the box and returning back behind the dumpster. He ate like an animal as Aoi waited for him to finish, surprised she was still there he remained hidden. Rain started to fall upon the (image above) city as Aoi said; "This alley doesn't provide much cover. You can stay dry with me or you can get sick, I won't force you to come. I'll be back tomorrow to check on you."

Aoi was in her office being assembled with men carrying chairs and decorations as she looked over documents. Yoshitsune entered her office before saying; "Boss. There's a kid standing outside in the rain. We asked him to come in out of the storm, but he doesn't respond." Aoi stood and walked down to the front door that she slid open to see the boy drenched in rain water. She said with a kind smile; "So you followed me home? Come inside before you catch a cold." The boy walked past Aoi who closed the door, lightning struck nearby and the thunder made the boy run and hug Aoi's leg. She rested a hand on the top of his head as she said; "It's alright...let's get you dry. Tomorrow we'll get you some fitting clothes." Aoi led the boy to the living quarters on the second floor and grabbed a towel to dry the boy's hair. Once she deemed her task complete, she locked eyes with the boy and said; "You have beautiful eyes..." The complement made the boy smile before she comments; "There's the smile I was working toward. Now some warm clothes." She took a shirt from a drawer and held it out to the boy before saying; "You'll be swimming in this, but it's only for tonight. I'll give you privacy to change." She walks out of the room and waits until the boy walks out wearing the oversized shirt as a gown. She smiles at him and says; "Alright. Now let's..."

Shouting from the next room interrupts her sentence causing her to investigate and find her men shouting at a video game. Aoi is noticed by one of her men and the whole room soon goes silent until they spot the boy standing next to her. One of them says absentmindedly; "The Boss has a son?!" Another complains; "And he's wearing my shirt!" Aoi glares at them before the complaining man says; "But it looks good on him...heh." Aoi started lecturing; "Just because we are having a record storm, does not mean you can stay cooped up and act like children! Where is everyone's heads?! What are you all going to do tomorrow?!" One ashamed goon said; "'s the hardest level..." Aoi was about to slap the goon, but a beeping noise caught everyone's attention and they saw the boy holding the controller. One goon said in shock; "He beat the Boss level?!" Aoi laughed hard before saying; "You are all children, but a real child showed you all!" One goon (Kan) clicked his tongue and said while pulling in a second controller; "Like hell, I'm going to kick his ass!" Aoi delivered a fierce slap to the back of the goon's head before she said; "Language! Toma!" Kan started the game and the characters on screen fight making it an intense battle, the boy was landing strikes and Kan was losing. Aoi took the moment with the boy distracted and pulled Yoshitsune out of the room. She said to him in a hushed tone; "He was in an alley close to the club; Goddess. I want you to ask around, see if any Mother is missing her child."

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