Chapter 23: "I Miss Randy"

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They continued walking around the store.

"If you don't wanna rule the TVA, then what do you want?" Loki asked.

"It doesn't matter. You both are too late," the Variant smirked,

"I think you'll find I'm well ahead of schedule. I found your hiding place like that. I'd say that makes me the superior Loki, wouldn't you?" Loki questioned.

Then they noticed the reset chargers around the aisle.

"I see. That's your plan. Lure us all here so you can blow the place up," Jamie remarked.

Then they noticed the Variant was gone. They got back to back and he made weapons appear for Jamie. But then they were taken down by a bigger guy.

"I miss Randy," Loki commented.

"Me too," Jamie added.

Then they were both pushed to the side, landing hard.

"Thank you for helping me stall for time. You really do love to hear yourself talk," the Variant said.

Loki panted and informed, "You're the first person to tell me that."

"I like to hear you talk," Jamie commented as she got up.

"And you're the first person to tell me that," Loki responded as the Variant grabbed them.

Then he threw them again, mocking them.

"I would never treat me like this," Loki said.

"I wouldn't either," Jamie added before they got up.

"Hi," they greeted.

They soon started fighting, Loki and Jamie doing some awesome team-up moves to take the other Loki on, along with his magic before the Variant pushed Jamie into an aisle and Loki held the Variant off with a spare tire.

"Oh, come on. Stop hiding," Loki said.

Then they started fighting with a vacuum until the bigger guy had Loki in a chokehold with the hose of it.

"Loki, if you had any honor you'd fight me as yourself," Loki strained.

"I have shit to do," the Variant hissed.

"Enough!" Jamie shouted.

She then pounced on the Variant's back and bit his shoulder. He yelled in pain as he let go and Loki gasped for air. But then Variant got Jamie and threw her at Loki, where they were shoved into an aisle, a barking dog toy running into Loki's forehead.

"How sweet. Your pathetic girlfriend sticks up for you," the bigger guy mocked.

Then Mobius regrouped with the other Minutemen in search of their Loki and Jamie.

Loki and Jamie got up and looked around.

"What do you want from me?" Loki demanded.

"Yeah. What is this about?" Jamie asked.

They then heard chuckling.

"Brace yourselves," the Variant said.

They were then tossed to the side again. When they got up, Loki's and Jamie's voices sounded throughout the store before they looked to see the bigger guy faint and the other Loki in a hood, which was removed to reveal a female Loki.

"This isn't about either of you," she stated.

"Right," Loki replied.

"Didn't see that coming," Jamie commented.

Then the devices went off, sending many branches throughout the timeline.

Then the female Loki opened a portal and waved to the two before going through it. Then Loki walked toward it then looked back at Jamie.

"Let's go after her," Loki told her.

"Are you sure?" Jamie asked.

"Do you want to be stuck with the TVA?" he asked as he held a hand out to her.

Then they heard Mobius, B-15, and the Minutemen running toward them and shouting at them.

"Loki! Jamie, wait! Wait! Loki, wait! No! Wait, Jamie!" Mobius shouted.

Jamie then looked back at Loki, put her hand in his, and said, "Let's do it."

Then they ran into the portal and it closed behind them.

"Damn it!" Mobius shouted.


A/N There's the second episode! Ahh! I'm so excited for the other ones too!

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