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"Everyone has things they wish not to recall"

Screams were heard outside the doorway making many patients scared for themselves. Inside the room was Rei Todoroki she was clinging to the bedside a sobbing mess.

"I can't." She heaved, by far this is the worst birth she's had. "The babies are positioned weirdly. Hold on Mrs. Todoroki" Rei groaned loudly only feeling pain.

"Is mommy okay?" The oldest Todoroki sibling asked staring at his nanny. Fuyumi was sleeping next to him with her head in his lap.

"Yeah your little brother and sister are gonna be here anytime soon" she smiled at the 5-year-old.

Endeavor was in his office filing papers when he got a phone call from the hospital. "Are they born yet?" He asked in a monotone voice taping his fingers on the desk. "There's an issue"

Endeavor stood up worried. "What do you mean 'issue'" he gripped his phone tighter. "Baby A is doing alright although he's taking a while, baby B is not ready she's having some troubles. Rei isn't doing so well either she's about done"

"I'll be there soon." He said slamming the door behind them.

He was there 10 minutes later. A surprising time for Endeavor. Luckily for once, he cared about someone more than himself, and that was Rei the mother of his children. It felt as if the world turned when he heard her screams. He opened the door scared, her head was dropped back covered in sweat.

"Rei one more big push" the doctor encouraged her. Endeavor slowly walked towards her and held her hand. Rei turned her head shocked she hadn't even heard him walk into the room.

"Come on" he reached his other arm around her neck pushing her upward. Rei squeezed his hand tightly clenching her teeth together. Her head fell back after the long push a loud cry filled the room. Endeavor looked shocked he wasn't there for any of his kid's births.

"Do you want to hold him?" The nurse gave the baby to Rei, while the others were preparing for the second child. Rei smiled stroking his cheek whispering soft words to him. The peaceful moment ended as she groaned, gripping the hospital bed.

"I feel like I need to push" she cried out, Rei hesitantly handed the baby to Endeavor. "Okay on the count of 3. 1,2,3" she pushed, the sight of her baby gave her courage. Rei just wanted it to be done.

"Good good take a breath." The doctor looked up seeing Rei was doing breathing exercises exhausted. "Get the Nicu cart prepared" she whispered to the nurse beside her. Even though Endeavor was distracted by the baby in his arms he could still hear, what even is a 'NICU.

Finally, after an hour of pushing Y/n was born. Rei was too tired out to realize that the baby didn't cry yet. Once she did her body shot up as an instinct. Endeavor looked at her like she was crazy he didn't understand this sorta stuff.

Just then Y/n started crying she sighed out of relief. But they weren't showing her to the parents, the doctors quickly rolled her out of the room in a cart.

The nurse brought back Natsuo from testing. "He's perfectly healthy, I think he's hungry though" the nurse put the baby in Rei's arm.

"Where's Y/n," she asked frantically looking around the room. "Y/n is not as big as other newborns. She lacks many nutritional needs, she needs to stay at the Nicu for a few days until she gets bigger" the nurse said sadly breaking the news.

Rei was speechless, she nodded her head and the nurse left the room. Rei pulled her top down a little feeding Natsuo. She hadn't said a word to Endeavor.

"What's a Nicu," he asked. "It's an intensive care unit for newborns." her lips trembled. Rei was filled with exhaustion.

"So she's weak?" Rei snapped her glaze to Endeavor glaring at him. "Endeavor she's a newborn. We haven't even seen her yet, she's fighting for her life so she's a lot stronger than you think she is" Rei snapped, Natsuo started crying at the loud noise.

"It's okay Natsuo shhhh I'm here" she whispered brushing his little white hair back. Endeavor rolled his eyes getting up out of his chair. He gently grabbed Natsuo putting him in the bassinet.

"You need rest Rei." He said looking towards her. "Wait Natsuo needs to be burped and please check on Y/n" Endeavor picked up Natsuo walking around the room patting his back. Rei was now asleep finally letting her tiredness get to her.

After a couple of minutes, Endeavor put the now sleeping and burped child in the bassinet. He quietly stepped out of the room and to the receptionist's desk at the front.

"Where's the Nicu," he asked the receptionist. "The 3 floor to the right you should see a sign" she smiled.

"Take the kids home." The nanny nodded her head. The two kids were sleeping. "Touya really wanted to see his new brother and sister"

"Natsuo's sleeping and the girl is in the Nicu" she frowned shaking Touya to wake him up. Endeavor saw Touya frowning at him before the elevator closed.

Endeavor waited patiently for the elevator to reach the next floor. He grumpily made his way to the Nicu.

"Hello! Do you have a newborn in here?" The nurse whispered with a happy tone which made him roll his eyes. "Yes uh. Y/n Todoroki" he confirmed, honestly all he wanted to see if the child could be his most powerful creation. It's no doubt that Natsuo would probably carry his mother's quirk.

"Okay before you see her please wash your hands" she pointed towards the sink in the room. He washed his hands wanting to leave already.

"There's your baby girl" she smiled showing Endeavor the little girl.

She was small. Smaller than any newborn he'd ever seen. Tubes and wires were connected towards her. Endeavor didn't hide that he felt sympathy towards the child.

"Don't worry all those wires are to make sure she's doing okay. That big one is a feeding tube to enhance her nutrition." Endeavor nodded looking at his new child. "Can I hold her?"

"Of course" she opened the cage-looking bassinet. Endeavor noticed she had red hair with white streaks. She was still sleeping, he wondered if she was hungry.

She handed him the baby who was wrapped in a heating blanket. Her eyes slowly opened Endeavor was shocked, to say the least. Her left eye was blue like his and her right eye was grayish-brown like Rei's.

She stared into his eyes. Her whole body felt as if he could easily break it. She stared at him until her eyes slowly closed feeling comfort.

Endeavor laid the newborn in her bassinet, leaving the room after holding her for a while. He went back to work annoyed that the two twins probably don't possess the perfect combination.

That day Endeavor could've changed. For the health of his family so his kids could grow up with a father, in a stable home.

But he didn't. He took his own selfish needs and inflicted them on his kids. When he looks at his kids he doesn't see what a parent sees's he sees a way to benefit himself.

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