Lou jitsu

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Month 5

One thing the brothers learned quickly was that Sirani held a strong grudge for a small toddler. The night when they argued she didn't sneak over to Donnies bed so he'd read to her. She didn't even try to sneak into his bed after the lights were supposed to be out. She didn't want to learn about dinosaurs or new words or whatever Donnie offered.

  He was surprised when he woke up the next morning and she wasn't curled into his side.

   She even held a grudge against Raph and Leo.

With Raph, she wouldn't let him hold her while he read her stories. She wouldn't let him help her grab anything from high places either. It didn't matter if it was her tiger that Splinter had put out of her reach when she refused to eat the green foods on her plate, she wouldn't let him help.

  With Leo, she didn't watch his magic shows. She didn't watch them, she didn't laugh at them, and she wasn't amazed at them. She didn't want to watch any shows with him or watch him reenact a scene from a movie.

  The only one she didn't treat differently was Mikey.

  Whenever Leo asked if she wanted to watch him do a trick on the skateboard she turned her head, grabbed the crayons Mikey let her borrow, and went off to find her orange masked brother.

  They would draw together for hours (Splinter made sure it was only on paper).

  Their rat dad found some stickers and that was probably the worst thing he could have given the two. Stickers appeared on Mikeys shell, their fridge, the walls, even the ceiling.

Lucky for the other four living in the sewers, the grudge phase was over soon.

Well, on the outside anyway.

Her older brothers words may have been forgotten after a month, but the meaning behind it wasn't.

She wanted to be just like them.

She wanted to run and play at their sides.

So she pushed herself.

She shouldn't need them to help her.

She could be independent.

With help from Mikey, of course.

With his assistance she got amazing at standing and walking.

He'd hold her hands as she took shaky steps forward. He'd cheer her on whenever she tried by herself. He proudly showed her skills off to Splinter and their older brothers once she got better at it.

  Splinter saw how the two were able to help each other and moved Sirani into Mikeys room.

Donnie and Leo now had to share, much to their dismay.

But things were going good for the younger two.

Sirani followed Mikey everywhere he went.

And he loved it.

Wherever he walked, she was right behind him.

Whatever he did, she was doing it to.

When some time after the fight had passed, they found a new normal.

Sure, she didn't read with Donnie every night, but now she watched him work on his latest invention: his battleshell. She didn't know why he was making it but it was his first project that took longer than a week. It had to be important.

   She didn't watch Leo's magic shows but now they both were up late at night, searching the kitchen for late night snacks. It didn't start out as a tradition but when they'd both snuck in at the same time every night it just became a habit.

Hamato Sirani  (a tmnt little sister book)Where stories live. Discover now