Meeting the friend

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He'd never let you watch a video with Phil in, but the tumblr tags said enough. Phan was the most popular word in your search history and you felt you knew everything about him. Yet you were nervous, you knew what there relationship was like. Just from the way Dan spoke of him, never a bad word. And that was what scared you the most. If phil diddn't like you then the future of your relationship seemed bleak if even existant, and that idea sent a shiver of fear down your spine.
Your heart raced as Dan clicked open the door to his appartment. But the sight that greeted you was the last thing you had expected.
Phil was stood up streight in the entrance to the kitchen.
He seemed to loose his mind when he saw you, triping slighty as he practicaly ran towards you. He grinned widely and pulled you into a unexpected hug, before practicaly attacking you with a bunch of flowers. You stared at him, you gaw nearly hitting the floor.
"Man I knew you were nervous" said Dan "But are you wearing a tie?"

You were relaxed meeting dan, you felt like you knew every little detail about him. Thanks to Phil and his Dan chatter you really did know everything, from his shoe size too his darkest fears. You knew how he ticked and this made you feel confident, if a bit stalkerish. I mean, it was more than likely he would tell you things about himself that you already knew and you would have to pretend that you hadn't a clue.
Nevertheless you stuck your chin up and smiled as you knocked on the door, "Be brave" you mumbled under your breath.
It was Phil who awnserd the door thankfully, flushed and far more nervous than you. But he usherd you firmly into the kitchen.
"SURPRISE" shouted dan holding up a large cake and grinning.
"No! No. No, the cake is NOT first, oh for god's sake Dan you diddn't stick to the plan. I bet you've scared her off now, And..And.... And you have ruined everything!" Phil said, almost at tears.
"Phil it's fine, it's great. It's okay" you said putting his arm on his.
Dan stood holding the cake arkwardly, staring at the both of you. His grin had become very sheepish.
"Sorry" Phil mumbled, trying to pull himself together. "I just had this perfect plan, where you and Dan become friends and then I have this perfect happy family, and.."
You cut him off "We are a happy family" You wisper, meeting his lips.
*coughing* "Erm guys" Said Dan "Gross"
And you grinned

Danisnotonfire + Amazingphil PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now