Note (plz read)

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Hey there phandom members. I hope you are enjoying reading this, I'm enjoying writing it, just incase you were wondering (if you were then how very polite, what a top human bean.  You get 10 browine points) 

Okay , so I have been very busy (yes dear reader tumblr scrolling does count as busy) with lots of work to do (gifs don't just make themselves you know). So i have been neglecting this lovely little book of mine.  You have been very kind to read this book and to vote for my chapters, I do appreciate it but I must ask you one weeny favor. 


Good or bad I would LOVE to know your opinions. What did you like? How could I improve? What do YOU want to see next? I write for your entertainment my lovelies and I wan't my book to be the best it can. So please comment away, go back and comment on old chapters. I shall write more in the very near future. 

TTFN, Thats Ta Ta for now!! xxx <3 <3 <3 

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