You should of told me

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*Slight Warning- Sensitive topic*


It was your fault, you were so consumed by you laptop that you hadn't even heard him come in.

"Okay, that's enough Tumblr for one morning. You're getting up now Missy!" He said lifting you out of the bed and onto the floor. You laughed as he hauled you onto the carpet and stuck your tongue out at him. He grinned but quickly converted it into a fake scowl.

"Did you just stick your tongue out at me little miss?" He said, trying to hide the entertainment in his voice.

"I did, what are you gonna do about it?" you questioned narrowing your eyes in fake anger.

"This!" He yelled tickling your sides mercilessly, but he stopped so suddenly that you fell to the floor again. You frowned up at him.

"Ouch!" you said pouting up at him. He didn't smile.

That was when you noticed how far your jumper had ridden up. You pulled it down quickly, but not quickly enough.

You felt a tight ball in your throat as you tried to think of something, anything to say. As he stared at you like a rabbit caught in headlights.

"How many times?" he whispered.

"Dan I.."

"HOW MANY?" He yelled. unlike himself.

"Not many" You lied, "Just a few

"Show me" he said firmly. You shook your head 

And as you just stood there he grabbed you by the wrist and practically dragged you into the bathroom. He pulled your jumper over your head and as you heard him gasp the tears spilled onto your cheeks.

You stood there, helpless as his eyes scanned your body.

"That's not a few" he whispered, he was breathing steadily, but his voice was cracking . He brushed his hand around your waist, his thumb running over your hipbones when the deepest lied. You could feel him shaking, he drew away as he saw you wince.

"Why?" he asked blankly, "and when?". 

"I'm sorry.. I just.. Last week, " you stumbled on your words

"When I went away on tour" Dan said, holding his head in his hands. "You could of called me, I would of come straight home"

"I know" you replied "That's why I didn't call, I just wanted you to enjoy yourself. Please don't be mad"

"MAD?" he nearly screamed "I'm furious, but not at you. Look at what I've done to you, look at what I've done!... And your stood there apologising to me" And then he broke down, his shoulders shaking.

"It's okay" was all you could whisper as you collapsed into tears, curling into his chest.


You clung onto the sink, supporting yourself as you stared into the mirror. You knew it was too deep the second you had done it, and you had screamed at the intensity of the pain. That's why he was here, you heard the loud thumps as he threw himself into the bathroom door.

He crashed into the floor at your feet and you could no longer contain emotion, you sobbed as you fell to your knees. You gave up your futile attempts to stop the blood flow as you crumbled.

You heard his gasp rather than saw it, you tried to crawl towards him but the world was spinning. You could hear his screams, for dan, for help, for anyone. You felt him around you, his arms warm and supportive rocking you like a newborn child.

Slowly the world around you came into focus. Dan at your wrist as he knotted the bandage, his mouth set into thin line as he concentrated but his eyes couldn't hide his fear.

Your head rested of Phil's chest and you felt it heave as he sobbed into your hair.

He mumbled various prayers as you tried to move. To comfort him, to show him that you were okay.

"Phil" you only whispered, but he snapped to attention.

"Your awake. I thought. I... I.. What would I of done without you?" his question was unanswerable, so you just curled further into his chest.

You could feel him around you, one hand on the small of your back and the other supporting your head. He clung to you as if you were about to disappear completely. You bodies moulding together until you couldn't tell were you stopped and he began.

Danisnotonfire + Amazingphil PreferencesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin