Chapter 1

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"No." Kyle shook his head crossing his arms, he was refusing to get out of bed, I don't balme him, I don't think anyone would, but I had no choice. Three weeks off school, I didn't want to go back, Gerard didn't, nobody did, nobody ever does, but when both of your parents are teachers, skipping school is one thing you can't do. I could assure you that I would have adored to stay in bed, if I could I would skip today and tomorrow and the day after, but then we would be broke loose the house, end up food-less and I could go on.

"Come on Kyle, you know you have no choice." I crossed my arms tapping my foot on the floor impatiently, I was tired there was no doubt about that and I wasn't in the mood to be pissed about.

"I don't want to go to school," He shrugged making it clear he had no plans on moving, "So I won't." He said keeping a straight face.

"Kyle I don't want to either, but I have to and you have to as well, please just get up." I groaned, this was the one thing that put me off about a baby, I didn't want this with another and I definitely didn't want what was coming next; the teenage years. A moody hormonal teenage boy was something I struggled with being let alone looking after, I treated my parents like shit, I didn't want to think Kyle would do that. "Don't make me get Dad in here." I put my hands in my hips, I could be strict and I liked to think that I was okay at it when I needed to be, but there was no doubt that Gerard was definitely the best at being that strict parent. He scares the living shit out of me sometimes when he gets angry, rarely at Kyle, usually down the phone, but it was still pretty intimidating.

"No, Daddy do-"

"Then get out of bed." I waited until he climbed out of bed and went through his drawers for some clothes, before leaving the room and collapsing at the table next to Gerard who had made me a coffee.

"Tired honey?" He chuckled kissing the top of my head as I rested my head on his shoulder, I nodded slowly, I wasn't looking forwards to my day, I hated Monday's on a week A, I had five tenth grade classes, out of six, although I had a free before lunch, almost like a double lunch period, it was still the worst day, because tenth graders are the absolute worst.

Taking large mouthfuls of my coffee, I closed my eyes, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead. Something had already given me the impression it wasn't going to be a good day, I was guessing it was Kyle, he was never, ever like this he always got up when I asked him to, although he was getting worse and worse when it came to school over the last few weeks before Christmas. My original thought had been that something was going on in school, but he was adamant everything was perfectly fine.

Paranoid was something I had always been, so I simply assumed I was over worrying, he was just growing up, getting older and growing to dislike school. I sighed putting my empty mug down standing up and going upstairs for my bag, the benefit of being a music teacher was I didn't have to take much into school. I always took pansy though, not Pansy Gerard and Kyle had gotten me, but my original Pansy, acoustic guitar.

Carrying my guitar and bag back down the stairs again, I slipped my phone into my jacket, leaving them by the door. When I got back into the kitchen, I was surprised to find Kyle still wasn't downstairs, Gerard was sat at the table still his bag and timetable before him. Wrapping my arms around his neck loosely and gently, I sat down on his lap, looking down at his table, he had a free the period last period, right at the end of the day, which sucked, but we did share a free on a Friday A and Wednesday B, I think.

"Kyle not been down yet?" I questioned and he shook his head, I sighed furrowing my eyebrows, "He was completely refusing to get out bed this morning." I bit my lip as I thought more about it.

"He didn't seem himself at the end of last term, I have to admit." He replied tapping his fingers against my thighs as his arms rested around me.

"You thought that too?" He nodded, "I-I know we had the conversation with him, but do you think he's okay? I'm scared for him, am I being paranoid and overreacting?" I sighed resting my forehead against his, he chuckled and nodded slowly.

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