Chapter 38

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Having started almost half an hour before Gerard, I sighed noticing that he had seemed to have painted a whole wall in less time than me, yet I had apparently only managed half a wall, it was clear Gerard was the artist that's for sure. I had never been strong in my arms, well not at continually stroking them up and and down a wall, that was boring and painful, it involved too much up and down movement, which apparently I was terrible at. It made me feel pretty useless that he was almost finished a second wall by the time I had finished one, at the rate we were going, he would meet me only a quarter of the way through the final wall, he would do three quarters in the time I did one.

When we did eventually, meet - about a third of the way through the final wall - he smiled down at me, lovingly, looking around at the rest of the room, before laughing at the amount he had doen compared to me. "Wonderful job sugar." He teased, getting a dead pan expression in reply. "Yours are more...precise?" He tried getting another shake of the head from me.

"You're an artist fucker, I'm not." I stuck my tongue out at him, before smirking. Dipping my brush back in the paint, standing up again and wiping the brush down his nose, a small blue stripe on his nose, making me giggle. He stared back at me for a moment, unimpressed, before whipping the brush off me and making a much bigger line from my forehead right down my nose, longer and fatter, than the one I had done on him. "Hey!" I exclaimed, dipping my brush in the paint and flicking it all over his face, giggling more before biting my lip when he bent down to dip his brush into the paint pot to flick paint back at me.

Just before he could get up, I legged it out of the room and into the garden, slipping into a gap between a bush and the shed, he would have to come find me before he could drench me in paint, mostly to make him give up. As soon as I had covered him in paint I regretted it, because I knew he would do it back and I didn't really want to be covered in emulsion paint, that didn't come off, certainly not off clothes. Opps.

Trying not to laugh, I saw him shaking his head and staring right at me, he knew where I was, he knew he was looking right at me and he knew that I knew that. Come to think of it I should have thought of a better hiding place, although knowing him he still would have found me, at least unlike him, I didn't have bright fucking orange hair to be noticed by. Purposely trying to make it obvious that he was pretending to not be able to see me, Gerard looked right at me several times whilst scanning the garden.

"Oh I wonder where Frank is." He sighed loud and sarcastically, making it much harder for me to surpress my giggling , I wasn't looking forwards to being covered in emultion paint, I would rather avoid it. Understandable so however, as I had managed to cover all of his forehead and hair in paint, he wanted to get me back, especially the hair.

For a moment or so more, he just stood looking around the garden, knowing we both knew he knew where I was, he just looked still not moving. When his eyes locked on me again, a cheeky smirk crept across his face, not a smirk I was too keen on either, one that suggested he had some scheme or plan to do something I wouldn't particularly like. Biting down on his lip, he stared what looked like through me, before turning around to his art studio, heading towards it, both relaxing me and making me more apprehensive. The reason being I was unsure whether he was going to drop the brush or put more paint on it, and if he was goign to drop the brush, would else would he do instead, I wasn't sure if it would be better or worse.

Disappearing into the studio, he was out of sight for several long seconds, before he emerged again completely empty handed, the cheeky grin still plastered across his face. Walking towards the house, I furrowed my eyebrows watching him walk away, safe to say I was a little confused, but more so when he turned back and winked at me. Slipping away from my space between the shed and the bush, I stared into his back as he just walked away into the house, deeply confusing me, what was that about?

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