Chapter 06

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"There you two are, what's taking so long?" Emily stepped inside, unaware of what you had just been reminded of. She looked to you both with confusion before taking the blankets from you. "I'll meet you out on the Quinn jet in a few minutes" she urged you out of the base, sensing something was wrong and that I needed a moment alone. Zachary looked to me with confusion over our behaviour before setting the file back on the nightstand where he had found it. He walked out with Emily again, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I grabbed the file on my way out and made my way to the jet waiting outside in a hurry.

"Ready?" I questioned as the brown eyed girl had joined me on the jet.

"Yeah, are you sure you should be flying after-"

"Yes Em, I'm fine." I sat in the pilots seat and we took off after strapping in. "Flint said he would meet us here tomorrow morning" I told her the plan.

"Great, our parents are going to be joining us at noon to make a plan. How do you feel about all of this?"

"I'm just hoping that we can send them back and move on. If I have to answer anymore of Zacharys questions I might actually hurt him" I tell her with a faint smile.

"Well then let's get out of here before you do that" she laughed happy that I was joking a bit. I lifted the Quinn jet off the ground and flew us back to the academy where we returned to our shared room and tried to get some sleep.

Once I knew for sure that Emily was sleeping I had pulled the file out and sat it before me on my bed.

"Here goes nothing" I whispered, taking all of my courage to open it. I was met with my photo, a young brunette with scared green eyes and below it the same girl with the same scared eyes just a bit darkened and older. I quickly wiped away the stray tear that had fallen from my cheek and closed the file again, tossing it aside.


"Good morning!" Emily called through the quiet base when we returned the next morning.

"Something doesn't feel right" I looked to her with a suspicious curiosity. She just shrugged as we knocked on the door to their room we had set them up in. Scrambling was heard before Sage opened the door to reveal one of the three was missing.

"Good morning Sage" Emily smiled kindly.

"Hey uh Emily and Thea right?" Emily nodded in response as I noted the nervous tone in the brunettes voice.

"Where's Zachary?" I questioned, crossing my arms in front of my chest, not even trying to play nice.

"Uh he just went for a walk" she lied to my face.

"Right" I snapped back with sarcasm dripping from my voice. I turned on my heel and took off down the hall to find him. "What are you doing?" I pushed open Fitzsimmons door to find him searching around.

"Good morning Thea" he smiled towards me innocently as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" I asked again.

"Just looking around"

"Bloody hell your a terrible liar" I told him. "Your looking for that file" I claimed upon realization.

"You took it!" he points accusingly.

"Yes, I did" I tell him as he stands up to face me.


"Because it's my file and I don't need you snooping around"

"Thea, Flint is here!" Emily's voice called out, breaking us from our stand down.

"This is not over" I pointed to him before turning around swiftly.

"Is that a threat?" He smirks, skipping after me. I just rolled my eyes and continued into the hanger where I was met with a familiar face.

"Flint!" I cheered walking over to give him a hug.

"Hey Thea" he smiled. "Who is this?" He pointed to the boy following me.

"Where did you find him?" Emily questioned.

"Fitzsimmons room" I answered simply.

"What?" Flint speaks up.

"Not important right now" I brush it off.

"So you aren't going to tell them about the fi—" Zachary starts only for me to cut him off.

"Speak again and I will not hesitate to send you back to where ever you came from" I shoved him roughly before storming off again.

"I was just messing with you" he goes to follow but my friends stop him. Emily sent him a harsh glare before chasing after me, knowing that I was overwhelmed.

"Leave her alone man" Flint holds him back by the shoulder.

Question of the day: what do you think of Thea and Zachary's arguing?

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