Letter #8

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I'm sorry. I must confess something.

I'm cutting again. It started a few days ago because I just felt so upset and there were sharp things all around my apartment. I know you told me to never do that. I remember the day you found out.

You came to my room in the apartment we shared and knocked. I didn't answer. You knocked again. I once again didn't answer. You went in anyway. You went to the bathroom attached to my room and knocked. No answer. You knocked again. No answer again. You opened the door. You always had that rule, I'll knock twice but then I go in.

You found me on the floor, covered in blood and cuts. You ran to me, holding me in your arms and whispering words of love in my ear. You cleaned and bandaged me up and begged me to never do it again. You got me help, set me up with a therapist. I stopped seeing her three weeks after you died.

I'm so sorry Sammie. I know you'd be disappointed in me if you could see me now because thats not all I've been doing.

I started drinking again too. A lot. Theres empty bottles of anything I could find at the store strewn around our living room. Rum, tequila, fireball, beers, whiskey, vodka, even some wine bottles. A few others too.

If you saw me here? Surrounded in glass bottles, blades, and packs of cigarettes I chain smoked you'd probably slap me. You were always big on taking care of yourself but without you here to keep me grounded I don't know that I can.

I'm sorry Sammie. I hope that wherever you are, you don't hate me.

Your (hopefully) friend,


Sam watches as Ollie finishes yet another cigarette and bottle of rum before laying down and falling asleep.

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