Anouncement and Q&A!

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✨why hello there it's me✨

✨the person who writes this story✨

✨here to give you✨


Recently Throne of Glass has hit 8,000 reads! Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting on my work! It makes me super happy to know that there are people out there who are enjoying my stuff! The fun part of this is that we reached the second benchmark! This means we've unlocked both the 3 and 8K specials! I already know what I'm going to do with the 3 special, but give me some ideas for the 8 one! It can be anything from AU's, a scene you want to see written out, or maybe even some backstory info for one of the characters! Put your suggestions in this paragraphs comments so others can add to it and I can see which one is the most wanted.

Another thing, since it's a special occasion, you guys can ask me any question about the story, the worldbuilding/government that I've interpreted, certain things that you're wondering will stay the same as in canon, I'm pretty much down for anything! Ask your questions in the comments and I'll answer them in this chapter so everyone can see it.

Some questions that have already been asked:

@AIBearDNW asked,

1) When did you start reading unOrdinary and what inspired you to make this fanfic?

I read unO for the first time two years ago, and then continued to read it when season 2 began last November in 2019. I had always liked unOrdinary because of the main conflict it presented with Spectre/Ember, and my attachment to Johns character, but it wasn't my favorite until sometime around early this year in January I think (around episode 214)? I had reread the entire series, twice, and got a better comprehension of it during that month. It quickly became my favorite and I started using fast pass whenever I could. I was inspired to make this fanfic after spending a month or two reading other ones, and thought I had my own variation/flavor of plot that I could contribute. The biggest thing I noticed in canon was the lack of women or motherly figures in Johns life, and I wanted to see how things might be different if he had those influences. And since we had absolutely no knowledge of Johns childhood or his mother it was pretty much a clean slate to work with! The mid-season finale confirmed one of my long running theories about Jane, and I was pretty jazzed about that.

2) Do you plan on keeping the original idea you had with this fanfic or as the second half of season 2 comes back and continues, will you make changes based on it as both the Webtoon and your story progress?

It's a bit of both! I have ideas that I want to use in this story, and I'll also use the plot points uru-chan drops in the later half of season 2. If something in my story conflicts with canon, I may alter some things so that it's more cohesive, but my ideas for covering the first season of unO are pretty much set in stone since we have the whole picture to take away from and analyze.

3) Did you like Jera the first time you read the story or did it progress as you read the story?

When I first read unOrdinary I actually thought that they were already dating lol, just because of how casually intimate they were with each other. But yeah, after seeing their wholesome friendship I set sail on that ship pretty quickly. But what really sold it for me was the group project arc and seeing how they became friends. Typically for me to ship something I have to see every development of the relationship, cuz I don't like it when stories try to shove pairings down my throat. And we got to see how their friendship began! Personally I'm a big fan of the 'enemies to friends to lovers' troupe, so I'm sold for Jera all the way. (Although I can sometimes be Jarlo if only for the cursed memes XD, I would only really like it if it was more of an AU situation though, and an actual solid friendship was established first). My appreciation for Jera did grow as the series progressed, and I was still chained to the mast even through episodes 173-174 and 210 started to sink the ship ;-;. But episodes 224, 230, and 234 brought it back up real quick so that's good 😌

4) How old is Athena? from EmDoesntSleep

Athena is around 5 years older than John. Since John is 18 she's 23.

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