See? You Get A Happy Ever After Too.

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The Japanese man awoke early, as always. Staring at the face of his beloved, Kiku smiled as he noticed that the blonde had snuck into his futon, yet again.

Alfred's glasses were messily strewn all over his face, his t-shirt pulled up, revealing his soft, squishy stomach. His pajama bottoms were starting to slide down. His dirty blonde hair was a mess.

Kiku could not help but admire how adorable the American was. He kissed the other's forehead gently as he slipped out of the bed, straightening his kimono.

The Japanese man then padded to the kitchen, noting to give all the animals breakfast. He sliced freshly steamed tuna for Tama and Americat, and made a few rice balls filled with dog food for Pochi-kun. He laid them in their respective dishes, then set to making breakfast. He took out several cooking utensils along with a omelette pan and a small pot.

Kiku cracked several eggs into a bowl, blending them with salt and pepper. He oiled the pan carefully, before setting it on the heat. The nation carefully dropped the egg in, letting it cool before folding it and setting it on the plate. He repeated this for several turns until there was no more egg left in the bowl.

Kiku then put the pan in the sink to wash later. He slowly and carefully prepared the miso, stirring it occasionally. The dark haired man carefully poured it into two separate bowls. He set these dishes onto the small table that waited in the dining room. Kiku then scooped rice from the rice cooker into two bowls, setting those on the table as well.

Walking back to his bedroom, he noticed that the door was opened. 'That's odd . . I left it close.' Kiku then turned around to see the taller American standing in his face.

"Morning Kiku-Kitty~!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. The Japanese man's face had gone white, and he did not respond. Alfred kissed him happily.

After a few minutes, Kiku finally recovered. He led the American man to the table, sitting both of them down. The animals snuck into the kitchen, chowing down their breakfast.

Alfred smiled happily; he was glad to be with his beloved. "Hey, Keeks! We're still up for going to see the cherry blossoms, right?"

"Hai, of course." The dark haired man chuckled at the blonde man's amount of enthusiasm. "But before we go, we have to eat breakfast," Kiku reminded him.

"Of course! The hero always finishes what his cute little lover made him before anything!" At the nickname, the Japanese nation blushed an intense red.


Gazing up at the tall cherry trees, Kiku could easily pick out the individual petals as they floated down in a graceful, ballet-like dance. Birds sang in the distance, cheering up the quiet atmosphere. Alfred clutched the other's hand, squeezing it gently.

They crossed the concrete bridge that eloped gently over the quiet, blue river. The blonde swallowed nervously. He couldn't wait.

Alfred stopped his love when they reached the middle of the bridge. "Uhm, hey, Kiku. Could we take a break? I'm tired, and the view of the river is great from here."

"Sure." He smiled. "My feet were starting to hurt as well."

The Japanese man leaned on the edge, staring down at the water. The American hastily shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling out a small, white, velvety box.

"K-Kiku!" He squeaked. Nervousness made him stutter. Alfred wasn't very good at this.

The said man turned around, widening his eyes at the sight of the box, blush coloring his cheeks as the blonde lowered himself down on one knee. He opened the small box, facing it towards Kiku, revealing the shiny gold engagement ring. The Japanese man let out a quiet gasp, tears stinging the corners of his eyes.

Alfred swallowed before speaking. "Kiku Honda . . . I've loved you ever since I'd laid eyes on you, and I love you now. Will you marry me?"

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