Everyone Deserves A Happy Ever After.

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A few years later, Kiku and Alfred are still together. They lived in the Japanese man's home. The American had moved all his belongings into the large guest room next to the other's, selling his old home to a mother with five children.

He had also brought his cat Americat and his alien friend Tonny, which Kiku was delighted to meet. Tama was surprised to see another cat around the house, but slowly accepted the other. The two cats even grew to love each other. Pochi-kun was just content, all the same.


Spring came, and freezing temperatures arrived with it. The duo sat around a red kotastu, the blanket covering them snugly. Alfred and Kiku were attempting to escape the cold, laughing as they peeled oranges and snacked on them. Stars glittered in the sky, the moon smiled upon them.

"So Arthur fell on Francis, and that's when Frenchie said," 'Oh hon hon hon, where have you been all my life?' " and that's when Iggybrows blushed and kissed him." Alfred recalls, stretching.

The dark haired man chuckled softly. "That's very romantic . . . Almost like us?" The blonde blinked. "You still remember that? I didn't remember it until now . ." Kiku shrugged, leaning on the American lovingly. He snuggles the blonde gently, enjoying the warmth that he radiated. "I'm just feeling nostalgic. How long has it been since?"

Alfred smiled. "Well since we are nations, it's been technically 54 years . . ."

"That's not too long . . For us, anyways." Kiku joked sadly, knowing that time passed by differently for nations, than humans. The room was quiet for a long 10 minutes after the Japanese man made the comment. The American cut through the silence with a question. "We're going to see the cherry blossoms tomorrow, right? Like every year?" "Of course." Kiku smiles.

Seeing the cherry blossoms was an tradition between the two of them, and only the two of them. They would wake up at dawn, dress warmly, and hurry to where the tall trees stood. The two would watch the pink blossoms, waiting until the sun rose. Then a strong but somewhat light wind would blow, showering the park and couple in the beautiful petals that detached from the trees.

"We should get to bed then," Kiku teased, pinching the blonde's nose. Alfred honked to amuse the Japanese, which indeed worked. "Okay, okay, the hero is going to bed~" He stood, swinging the smaller man over his shoulder. Kiku squeaked, flailing. The blonde carried him to his room, gently setting the smaller man on his green futon. The Japanese man blushed, staring up at the blonde. Alfred kissed his forehead, smiling. "Good night honey." He never had said that before, so it was a new thing. Kiku blushed an even darker red color.
"O-Oyasuminasai, Alfred-kun . ." He hid in his blankets.

Alfred then proceeded to turn off the lights, sliding the dark haired man's door closed. He hurried to his own room, closing his own door. The American lay in his own futon, which Kiku had lovingly made himself. The top blanket was stitched with the American flag, and was thick and fluffy all the way through.

He slipped a hand into his pocket, pulling out a small, velvety, white box. Alfred sighed softly, opening it. It held a ring that consisted of a gold band. It had 'Kiku Honda Jones' carved in tiny lettering, printed on the inside of it. "Tomorrow is the day . . ."

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