Will Love Overturn Jealousy?

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Unaware of his surroundings, Kiku approaches the busy street that ran next to the the World Summit. The dark haired man attempts to step into the road when he hears a loud beeping sound. A large black truck is driving towards him, quickly as if it was unable to stop. Eyes widening, Kiku was desperately unsure if he could move out of the way in time. Suddenly, a strong hand yanked him out of the way. Spinning around, Kiku's face was instantly pressed into a warm padding of skin. Gazing upward, he saw a familiar face encircled by brown curls.

Heracles's turquoise eyes glittered with worry, his mouth a tight line. "Are you alright? Kiku?" The Japanese nation blinked, trying to recall what just happened. "I-I'm fine . . I think." Kiku attempted to clear his head and think straight. He had stepped into the street, and then was pulled back?

While this was occurring, Alfred was hurriedly running to where Kiku usually parked his car. But half way there, he saw a sight that made his heart drop. Heracles, holding Kiku!? Instantly, the blonde man hid behind a thick oak. The Greek leaned over the Japanese nation, his face closing in. Kiku's eyes widened, panicking. But before he could stop the other, Heracles kissed him. Alfred stared unhappily, his heart dropping even lower, feeling as if it had been torn apart. He did not realize it, but he had let out a loud gasp, alerting the other two nations he was present. Kiku's eyes immediately rolled over in shock at Alfred, and he tried to push the Greek away.

"L-Let go, Heracles-san!" The dark haired man demanded. "Why? Don't I get a kiss for saving you . . ?" Greece muttered slowly. "O-Of course not!" Kiku answers impatiently, but it was too late. Alfred had already run off, trying not to let any passing nations see his tears. He fled, running into the World Summit building. The blonde man ducked into the mens' bathroom, locking himself in a stall. Sobbing, he held his face in his hands. How was he going to confess his love when his beloved was . . Kissed? And by Heracles, too! Instantly, he felt a deep hatred and jealousy towards the Greek. "He probably stole Kiku's first kiss too . ." Alfred growled to himself, wiping more tears on the sleeve of his bomber jacket.

Kiku hurried into the large building, searching for the American.

"Alfred-kun! Where are you? Please, come out."

Alfred heard him, but refused to move.

"Kiku . . I can't let you see me like this."

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