Do You Forgive Me?

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Alfred was shocked. "Y . . You do? But . . My country bombed yours! And you were seriously hurt . . ." The blonde nation felt like crying. Kiku stroked Alfred's cheek in an attempt to comfort him.

"You helped rebuild my country in the end," Kiku murmured. He had to approach this topic cautiously. Alfred whimpered anxiously, gazing at the Japanese nation. "Please, just drop it. Shouldn't we just worry about us, Alfred-kun?"

"Us?" The American nation echoed. "Yes, us." The other repeated. "What about Jerkules?" Alfred wondered. Chuckling at the stupid nickname, the smaller man shook his head. "There is nothing in between us." The blonde man scratched the back of his head, smiling. "Shall we go?" Kiku held out his small hand.

Swallowing, Alfred nodded. 'This is my last chance to make it official,' he thought. Grabbing both of the smaller nation's hands, he gazed into Kiku's eyes. Concerned, the Japanese man's dark eyes widened as he stared at the taller man. "A-Alfred-kun?" The blonde man's curl twitched, his grip tightening.

"K-Kiku . . . . Will you go out with me?" After a moments pause, Kiku returned Alfred's question with a smile and a quiet,"Of course."

Hearing those two words made Alfred's heart explode in happiness and excitement. They were official! Letting go of Kiku's right hand, Alfred grasped the smaller nation's left with his right. With his curl bouncing about, they walked out of the World Summit building, hand in hand.

Alfred spotted Heracles laying down in the shade of a tall oak tree, snoring away. Anger rushed through him quickly, red clouding his vision. He dropped Kiku's hand swiftly, rushing over to the sleeping Greek. The American shook the curly-haired nation awake.

Opening his eyes slowly, Heracles somehow managed to glare up at the blonde man while still looking somewhat tired. "What do you want . . ?" Raising his fist, Alfred slammed it into the Greek nation's face. Groaning in pain, Heracles attempted to face the other but failed due to the overwhelming pain and drowsiness. "That's for kissing Kiku. He belongs to me, ya hear?!" The blonde nation growled before hurrying back to his beloved.

The dark haired man blinked in surprise. "Alfred-kun, are you alright?" The American smiled weakly and gave a tired laugh. "Never better."

How was that?! XD I love this pairing so f**cking much. <3 I don't know if I should continue from here . . Writer's block. :P Comment your opinion please!! Love you guys.

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