Rules & Introduction

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Hey guys, welcome to Griffin's fun new apply fic!

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So I got this idea for an apply fic the other day, and was too excited to allow common sense to stop me. Here's the basic plot:

An apply fic.... IN SPAAAAACE!

You guys are going to be creating characters that will make up the crew of a starship. Once I get all the characters, I'll assign them to roles, and then start writing the adventures they go on. This apply fic does not have a planned overarching plot, so stories will be told in an episodic manner.

I'll go into more details on the world later on, but first here are the rules:

1. Be nice.

2. Be at least relatively active. Believe me, I get that you're busy a lot of the time and don't have time to read chapters as soon as they come out. Password one is the name of your favorite sci-fi book/show/movie. But when you can, come by and check out the latest chapter. Spamming the chapters with comments is highly encouraged!

3. Be creative. There's a lot of different options here for a character you can make. Feel totally free to contact me if you have an idea for a character that I haven't outlined in the rules.

4. Quantity is more important than quality. This apply fic is going to need a LOT of characters, but they don't need to be especially detailed. If your form is taking up more than 4 comments, it's probably too detailed, and there's no need for your form to go that long. Additionally, if your form takes you more than half an hour to bang out (and really, it shouldn't take anywhere near that long), you're being too detailed. Password two is to type something totally random. I encourage entering multiple characters, particularly if you're going for a major role. Don't stress about creating a super detailed form. Some blank spots in your character's history and personality are fine and great, because that allows me some flexibility in telling different kinds of stories.

5. Be aware that screen time will vary vastly depending on the character.  Not every character will be getting a major role slot.  There is a place on the form where you can indicate which character roles you want to be considered for.  The characters who get major roles will appear much more often than the minor characters, but among the minor characters, there will be some I use more than others. Password three is to make your answer to password two start with the same letter as your username. There are a limited number of major roles, and there's no guarantee you'll get one. To ensure getting a major role, I suggest making multiple characters, and reading the "I really want a major role" part of the "FAQ" on the "Information" page.  I wouldn't stress about it, as there are ten major roles, so it's likely that if you make multiple characters you'll get at least one.

6. Be aware that my update schedule will be wildly unpredictable. This is the kind of thing where I'll be writing a chapter whenever I get an idea for one, and might not write another for quite some time. When a chapter does come out, I'll tag the people whose characters play a major role in it. Point is, I'm not going to be putting myself under any pressure to write for this, so don't expect weekly updates or anything.

7. Have fun! This isn't a serious apply fic. The point here is for me and you to have as much fun as we can. Make your characters fun and interesting.

Any questions?

The next chapter goes over some details about the world and different character options.  You don't need to read every single word, but you should be familiar with the sections that are directly relevant to your character.

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