Episode 1, Part 1

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Author's Note:  Hey guys, welcome to the first chapter!  I just wanted to clear a few things up before you read.

1) This is not a complete story.  It's not even a complete episode.  I just decided this was a good point to stop and publish part one, because if I waited until the entire episode was done it would A) Take forever, and B) Be unrealistically long.

2) I haven't decided what to title this episode yet.  Once it's complete, I'll probably go back and change the chapter title.

3) You'll notice that the characters in this chapter get very unequal amounts of screen time.  Some get long narrated sections, others don't even have a single speaking line.  In this book, characters are going to get uneven focus for most of the individual episodes, but it should be roughly equal in total.  Characters that didn't get much focus in this chapter will get more later.

4) Hope you enjoy the read!  As always, all  comments are appreciated.

Tags:  x_Quack_xO-N-Y-X--P-Y-L-O-NInDia2446Cosmicdustpuppy8pauchnotokirenesagwWolfRaider56Colourshockichbinconfusion_2734jimmyandthebadge4eva


Aligea dropped her spork onto the table with a clatter, and cringed. If Lieutenant Jial was using earth swears this early in the morning, it couldn't be a good sign.

Maybe she won't notice I'm here.


Oh well.

With one last wistful glance at her hot plate of breakfast, Aligea climbed to her feet, and ducked under the mess of open wires into the bowels of the ship. "What seems to be the problem, Lieutenant Jial?"

Eliyja stood up from the wiring she was inspecting, scales covered in engine grease from her forearms down. "The real problem is I have told upwards of 17 times to just call me Eliyja, not Lieutenant Jial, but that conversation can wait. What the hell have you done to these power couplings?"

Aligea stared at the wires. "Uh, plugged them in?"

"Yes, I can see that. Did you give any particular thought to where you plugged in each wire, or were you just trying to match them in pretty color combinations?"

At this Aligea felt a twinge of annoyance—she'd been under the impression she'd matched the wires rather well. Certainly nobody had complained about it when she'd finished a week ago. "I followed the instructions in the diagram you gave me. Why, is there a problem somewhere?"

Eliyja stood up and sighed. "The bulkhead on deck twelve keeps randomly exploding."

Aligea blinked. "What, again?"

"I know, right? It wouldn't be half as bad if I could just isolate where the problem is, but if there's a power imbalance anywhere along this entire section, it might not be having consequences until they all connect in the bulkhead. I swear, we never should have outsourced the electrics to the Dreygans..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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