CAST CHAPTER (and incorrect quotes)

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ALRIGHT DUDES!!  It is officially October 10th, all the forms are in, and we are ready to rock and roll!

Since this apply fic is episodic, I'm accepting new forms pretty much any time, but all the major roles are now filled, so new applicants will be filling less prominent roles.

Without further ado, here's the cast announcements!  It should look pretty similar to the last chapter, with a few changes that I informed you guys about.


Name:  Rafika Rahima

Age:  45

Gender:  Female

Species:  Human

Team & Specialization:  Security team and Medical team, specialization as a combat medic.

Creator:  x_Quack_x


Name:  Ajax Axal Orak

Age:  37

Gender:  Male

Species:  Toraxan

Team & Specialization:  Security team, specialization as a dinghy pilot.

Creator:  O-N-Y-X--P-Y-L-O-N

SECOND MATE:  Earendil Waverly (see below).

THIRD MATE:  Sylvie Hart-Katz (see below).


Name:  Zuri Collins

Age:  28

Gender:  Female

Species:  Human

Team & Specialization:  Science team and Engineering team

Creator:  InDia2446


Name:  Dakrig Craden Grandac

Age:  (pending)

Gender:  Male

Species:  Toraxan

Team & Specialization:  Security team, specialization as a soldier.

Creator:  Cosmicdustpuppy8


Name:  Marleynoxolevan Weyshun

Age:  34

Gender:  Agender

Species:  Elithian

Team & Specialization:  Engineering team and Security team, specialization as a dinghy pilot and hyperspace engineer.

Creator:  pauchnotok

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