ᑢᕼᗩᕵᖶᘿᖇ 1

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--this book contains Loki spoilers--

*Beep Beep Beep*

The sound of an alarm rang signaling the beginning of the day for izuku yagi and his sister. Both of them Got up and ran to their mother and father Inko and Toshinori Yagi.


Izumi: "Todays the day we get our quirks"

They both jumped on their parent's beds while shouting to wake them up but only their  mom woke up

Inko: "ok if you two get ready then well go"

Izuku: But what about dad?

Inko: "he came home late from work last night so I think its best if we just let him rest if we go alone"

--time skip *Doctors Office*--

Doctor: "Mrs yagi I have good news and bad news, which would you like to hear first"

Inko: "The good news please"

Doctor: " the good news is your daughter has an amazing telekinesis quirk that can lift up to 2 tons by the time she is 13"

Inko lifts her daughter up and spins her in the air. 

 "Hear that Izumi you're going to be a hero" she says while she is putting her down

Doctor: " The bad news is that we cant Identify your son's quirk, it might be that it hasn't manifested yet but there's a 90% chance he is quirkless"

izuku hearing this was shocked that he couldn't become a hero but inko on the other hand just stared at her son in pure disgust while Izumi still had a big smile on her face happy that she could become a hero

as they head back to the car the doctor felt bad for the kid and thought ' poor kid  your life is going to be hell, I just hope that your parent pay attention to you '


When the family arrived home they were met by their father/husband waiting for them

toshinori: " So what quirk do you guys have? "

inko: " Izumi has a powerful telekinesis quirk like me"

toshinori smiled and picks up her daughter and spins her while telling her that she will make a great hero

inko: "oh and izuku is quirkless" 

as inko said that she snuck a quick glance at her son with disgust in her eyes which went unnoticed to toshinori  and izumi but not to izuku

Toshinori: " well at least Izumi got a powerful quirk, lets go out to celebrate "

after the family got ready Izumi and toshinori were in the car while inko was getting her purse

izuku:" mom  you forgot to get me clothes to wear out"

izuku says in a shaky voice

Inko: " you're not coming...were celebrating your sister while you stay here and clean the whole house..once you're done go to bed"

inko says with hatred in her voice while she leaves izuku holding back his tears

--Next-Day at school--

Katsumi: "Guys What quirk did you get, I can make my sweat explode"

Shoto: "I can create ice and fire from both sides of my body"

Shoka: " mine is the same as shoto"

Izumi: "I got a strong telekinesis quirk that makes me able to lift 2 tons by the time I'm 13"

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