Chapter 6: Hidden Claws

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  You make your way back to Beacon. You made your way alone in silence as you managed to make it to the school grounds, no matter how sore you were, you managed to finally make it to the elevators up to Ozpin's office where Glynda told you to meet her.

  You sat in the elevator and waited for some time pondering as you wondered what awaited for you in Ozpin's office. You wondered as you went up into his tall tower. Finally, the door opened as you saw Glynda standing next to Ozpin.

Ozpin: Glad to see you in good spirits (Y/N). Please take a seat.

  He gestures towards the seat in front of his desk. After walking up and sitting down, you can't help but shift a bit thinking over what this was for.

Y/N: What's this for?

Ozpin: Right, well I am sure that you know teams here are usually assigned to all students, however, with the odd number of students, we didn't have enough for even teams. Leaving you all to your lonesome it would seem.

Y/N: Me? Lonely? Pfft, I don't get lonely. I understand you mentioned a partner.

Ozpin: Well yes, that was the original plan. But Glynda has said there is much more to your semblance than meets the eye. A sort of mystical nature to it if you would.

Y/N: Y-Yeah. I have been told that before.

Ozpin: Well, you seem fond of the teams RWBY and JNPR. With how well you coordinated your combat between the two during your trials. How about you work with them whenever they go on missions that could be of some aid?

Y/N: You mean, like a fifth member?

Ozpin: Yes. Though I do apologize, with the Vytal Festival approaching, you sadly won't be able to partake in the combat portion. I do not wish to strip you of your extracaricular activities, but do understand, even though you don't see it, I can see that you aren't like any student I've seen before. Not even your father was like you hen he was a student here. 

  You smiled a bit as you shifted a bit in your seat. If you still had your tail, it would be wagging with excitement at the compliments.

Glynda: Ozpin don't spoil the boy. 

  Ozpin lightly chuckles as he sips from his coffee mug.

Ozpin: Not spoiling Glynda, just encouraging. You should try it some time.

  Glynda rolls her eyes as you are excused from the office room. You give a light bow to the two as you take your leave, going back to the elevators.

  The times had gotten away from you as it was now much later in the day. You mad your way through Beacon only for an unknown force to knock you off of your feet.

Y/N: What the-

  You quickly notice Blake as she quickly tries to regain her footing from the  sudden impact and goes back to running.

Y/N: Blake?

  She runs out of the school and makes her way into the main courtyard of the school. She stops to catch her breath as she feels herself running low on air from running so fast.

  She takes the bow off of her hair and throws it to the wind. She looks down in sadness as you watch her from a distance and notice the ears on her head. 

  You slowly approach Blake, but her ears twitch alerting her to your position. She turns surprised but slightly relaxing that it was you.

Y/N: Hey Blake. What's wrong? 

  Blake stays silent as her ears droop which makes you a bit confused and worried at her current situation. You slowly approached Blake in an effort to try to understand. Her amber eyes looked up at you with sadness traced in their color.

Fire and Fury (RwbyXMaleReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon