Empty Rooms

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Empty seats left lonely

Chairs now covered in cobwebs

Spokes with no words left

Families left with open holes

Hearts needing patches

Should we be angry?
Sad orgrieving?

Unspoken words

In near empty halls

Unused chairs

Wheels never to turn again
And eachempty room
Echos the past

Stuffed animals now left
Lonely orin the bin
With other belongings
Now lacking anyone to belongto

Our dining rooms seem bigger now

Our hearts, more empty
Families lostin morning

For those they hardly got to see

This last year
All thanks tosomething
We couldn't see
Couldn't know
Couldn't predict
Andcouldn't stop

With all our effort, still
We havepatches to make
Holes to fill
More time needed
To fix ourloses

If we listen, though
We might justhear them say
"You will be okay"
And we ill, intime

Through the rain and
Through the cold
We'll pushthrough it all
Somehow, with time
Well will heal

Hopegrows brightest
In the blackness

And, with great pain

Comes great change

We would love to be
Anywhere buthere
Anywhere but in this position
But here we are

And we can't change that

We can only move forward

"You will be okay"

They all repeat

In sync

None of them would want us

To still be hurting after this

Instead of remembering

Their deaths

I 'd rather celebrate

Their lives

Don't remember their sickness

But their health

And, after our time in the black

Is through

Take this lose

And let it elevate us

To new heights

Keep them close
In our hearts and
Inour minds

But, when you're able
Let go of thesorrow
Keep the memories sweet
And let those beyour guide
To a better
And brighter

Hold on to MemoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora