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Rehearsed lines
And makeshift smiles
Little white flowers
And tears touch cheeks
Like marbles, role to the floor

Another loss
Another soul
Another family changed

All that's gone
Is not lost
And, still, we wish
For anything else

Mementos of life
Bring stings to eyes
Yet, we keep them
Pain hurts
But it helps us survive

Marbles spilled across the floor
Shine in the light
And, now, it feels
All we can do is survive

There is no thriving here
Not yet
Not for a while
Yet, we must keep going
We must smile
Though we feel we can't

Rebuild what we can
Remember what we can't
Stand in a mirror
"I'm ok"
Man, some are good

Restlessly quiet
Endlessly silent
A wavering smile
As we beg to be
Anywhere else

Time goes on
And wounds heal to scars
Left on all our hearts
Our minds
And our souls

Mementos hurt less
Now they seem to help
We remember all
We keep them for good
Rehearsed lines aren't needed
"I'm ok" isn't a lie any longer
We keep the changes left
We keep the love we have
All souls move on
Hearts keep the alive

Minds and memory
Where to begin?
Till you find an end
Until then, we must stumble
We must fall
Slip on marbles
We leave on the floor
Until we can thrive again
It's all we can do to survive

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