Begging and Pleading

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Sitting in a room
Surrounded by candles
No lights, but flames
Face streaked
Eyes closed

Wax drips
So quietly
Yet, so incessantly

You see red
And orange
Flicker through your eyelids
You smell smoke in your nose
Taste the candle's perfume
Stinging your throat

Memories spinning
Through your mind
Lost it all
Now, it's gone for...good

Taken for granted
Till it didn't exist
Now, grasping at memories
You can not resist

One by one
Candles die out
Darker, darker
Yet darker
Even still

Smoke gets thicker
And, you find
Begging and pleading
For them to stay
Doesn't work

Fearing the dark
You open your eyes
To late
The last candle sputters
Before drowning in it's own wax

No more flame
No more fire
Only smoke
You can't keep

You stagger to your feet
And you beg
And you plead
"Don't let this destroy my existence!"

Emotions swell
Tear come again
It's hard to breath
It's hard to process
As the dark creeps in

Overtakes you
Shades your eyes
Your heart stutters
And you feet yourself drowning

It's hard to walk
To move
To continue on

You bed
And you plead
For a sign to begin
You can't rest
But you can't leave

Reaching out, you find
The wax still hot
Despite time
It still burns

You need to reach farther
Till you find the wall
And you follow it

Wade through wax
Cooling slowly around you
Threatening to keep you there
Through your tears
Through your fears

"Please don't let this
Destroy my existence!"
You beg
And you scream
Till your throat hurts

But then, suddenly
Your fingers brush something
A switch
You flick it
And lights come on

You sigh in relief
Catch your breath
Slow your heart

Breath in, breath out
Close your eyes again
Now knowing where to begin

When all the candles go out
Keep the smoke
And, if it's to dark to see clearly
Make the next step forward
Until you find the light

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