Backstory part 1

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After 3 years of dating the upstead ship has big plans for the future but for right now they have 2 both female 1 2 year old German shepherd husky mix the other 1 year old pit bull husky mix. The live a couple blocks down from the district.

Meanwhile with Burgess and tuxes they are married after 4 years of dating they started dating a year before Jay and Hailey. No kids but 1 dog silver lab female 6 months old. Plan to have kids soon but not until a year after their marriage to get things settled. Beautiful wedding ceremony hailey as her bridesmaid and Jay as his best man. Adam loved his bachelor party didn't get too drunk either thanks to halstead so Kim was even more happy. After the ceremony was over they went to Paris for their honeymoon.

For the 3 dogs they all went to the same trainer and so the burzek dog is still in training for another 6 months until will something happen to them or not. Who is this trainer pretending to be??? Is it someone from one of their pasts but doesn't know it yet??? Will someone go missing or will everyone of the group but one go missing???

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