chapter 5

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the next morning Chester woke up to see that Parker had vanished.

his mind immediately thought back to last night's movie.

"Parker? Parker?!" Chester yelled while running down the stairs.

"what do you want" Parker yelled from the couch.

"oh" Chester said, relieved.

"i thought someone murdered you" he laughed awkwardly.

"you're pathetic"

              (time skip to monday)

"hi...Parker?" a feminine voice called out.

"what" Parker said grumpily.

"well i was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? you know like- for coffee or something." she laughed awkwardly.

Parker looked her up and down while squinting.

"ok" he said while getting his books out from his locker.

"wait really? o-okay so like when? are you free wednesday? or i can do thursday. we can do it after school if you want. or we can skip class and just go out you know. haha! whatever works for you. you see i kinda have a job..."

her voice started to fade out.

(Parker's POV)

she talks a lot. like Chester. i mean-

why am i thinking about that loser?

a girl just asked me out. cmon Parker get in your right state of mind.

(back to third person)

"anyways, yeah. so when are you free?"

"i can do thursday after school. we can meet for coffee. bye"

Parker walked off before she could say anything.


she jumped up and down, sharing a small moment of victory.

(time skip to thursday)

Parker and the girl sat at a table in the far corner of the coffee shop.

"wow. hehe. what an odd table to pick!" she tried to make conversation.

"mhm." Parker mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"is there a reason you chose to sit in the very back of the shop? in a corner? where there's no people at all whatsoever?"

"don't like sitting around other people."

"oh! well that's good to know.. how are you? tell me some things about you."

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