chapter 6

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                 the next day at school 🙊🙊

Chester walked into school and headed to his locker.
he was about to open it until he saw something written in sharpie....


he gasped and looked around.

he ran into the bathroom and wet a whole lot of paper towels.
he ran back out and started scrubbing so hard his hands hurt.

at this point people were staring and gossiping.

Chester started to cry as he got more wet paper towels.

Parker had now arrived at school.

he walked in and saw Chester struggling. he looked around and walked over to him.

Chester didn't see him with all the tears flooding his eyes.

Parker put his hand on Chester's shoulder.

Chester jumped.

he let out a relieved sigh and collapsed to the floor.

he sat in a puddle of water that came from the towels.

Parker saw what was written on the locker.

he was speechless for a moment.

he grabbed Chester's arm and said,
"come with me"

Chester sniffled and nodded his head.

the two boys exited the school and into the woods at the park.

they were both acting awkward and didn't know what to do.

"are you ok?"
Parker finally broke the silence.

Chester began to cry even more

Parker just stared at him, not knowing what to do

he put his arm around Chester, still leaving a gap between them.

Chester looked up at him.

he hugged Parker.

Parker just stood there, not knowing whether to hug back, or to just let Chester sob into his arms and soak his shirt.

they both collapsed on the floor, as it felt less awkward than just standing.

Parker finally hugged back.

they both sat there hugging each other while one cried onto the other.

                   time skip its nighttime now

Parker woke up and looked around

he realized that he and Chester had fallen asleep in the woods

he shook Chester a bit

"yo Chester wake up"

"huh?" Chester said half-asleep

"wake up we're still in the woods"

"what?" Chester got up and rubbed his eyes

Parker stared at him

(awkward silence)

"what are you staring at ?"

"you without your sunglasses"

Chester started panicking
he started looking for his glasses while covering his eyes

Parker laughed

he shouted while rapidly moving his hands around the dried up leaves on the floor

Parker took out his phone and turned his flashlight on to help Chester


"yo did you hear that" Parker asked

"hear what" Chester replied, frustrated


"i think someone's here"

"it was probably just a squirrel shut up"
he continued to look for his glasses



ok let's go now"

"bro i'm telling you there's someone here"
Parker pointed his phone's flashlight around

Chester squinted
"mmm i don't see anyone . stop trying to scare me. let's go."


"oh my god there's no one there!"
he grabbed Parker's phone

"see! there's no one-"

Chester? yo Chester you alright?"


Parker grabbed his video camera
"guys so i'm in the woods and Chester just disappeared. what do i do...."

he started walking.


"did you guys hear that? yo is someone out there ?!"



(crunch crunch crunch)


he took a step forward and fell into a ditch.


"guys i just fell into a ditch. i think it was a trap. i still haven't found or heard anything from Chester."

he heard a weird screeching noise.


he pointed the camera light to the top of the ditch.


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