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Taehyung Pov

   "Taehyung!!! Wake up! It's time for school!" The sound of my mother's loud voice pulled me away from the wonders of my dreams and into the harshness of the world without any warning. I groaned, feeling heartbroken that I have to leave the comfy-ness of my bed to get ready for the first day back to school. I groggily looked over at my alarm on my dresser, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I frowned at the glowing red numbers staring back at me.

6:50am. Not 7am. She's evil incarnated.

10 minutes. I'm up ten minutes early before my alarm. Why couldn't she get those last few precious minutes?!! I whined, punching my pillows to fluff them up and get those last ten minutes of precious sleep. But as soon as my head touched the soft white cloud of my pillows, the alarm went off. I blinked my eyes open, speechless as the alarm warbled and vibrated in all of its glory on the sleek vintage wooden dresser to wake me up.


( I swear the alarm said 6:50am a few seconds ago!! How the fuck is it 7am now? What is this sorcery?!) I stared at the alarm in disbelief, smacking the snooze button for 10 more minutes and glared suspiciously at the clock as I lowered my head on my pillow. I squinted at the alarm and counted to thirty just to make sure there wasn't any funny business going on afoot, but when the alarm still read 7am, I closed my eyes and cuddled my snorlax plushie for a little cat nap. I sighed dreamily, inhaling the comforting scent of lavender and chamomile on my plushie and settled in under my satin maroon bed sheets. I was just dozing when my door was suddenly kicked in and immediately got dragged out of bed.

  "Kim Taehyung! Why do you always have to make my mornings difficult?!" My mom screeched as she pulled me clean off the bed by my ankles. I giggled as I landed on the floor with a muffled thump while She sighed in exasperation and pinched my cheeks as I grinned up at her.

  "What am I gonna do with you? You're so cute!" She cooes, ruffling the electric blue curls of my hair with an overflowing amount of fondness in her voice. I smiled as I got up from the floor, kicking off the tangled sheets around my legs and shuffled over to her to rest my head on her shoulder as she hugged me gently and gently rocked us back and forth.

"Awww, my cute kid!! I love you so much but you have to hurry up and get dressed so I can lock up behind us." She gently cups my face and presses a kiss to my forehead, murmuring for me to wash up before leaving my room to prepare a quick breakfast. I stood there for a few seconds then slowly stretched, grunting as I turned off my alarm and made my way to the bathroom down the hall to do my morning routine and take a hot shower.

I took my time in the shower, pushing the limits of how long I can stay in there before quickly rinsing and stepping out the modest size glass shower. I ran the towel over the length of my body, drying off the rivulets of water trailing down and quickly secured the towel around my waist before standing in front of the frosted mirror and checked my appearance. I pushed my wet hair back, exposing my damp forehead as I tied back my bangs in a tiny ponytail and felt a sliver of self-consciousness at the size of it.

I totally have my mom's forehead, I grumbled, applying my skin care and moisturizers to my face before blow drying my hair. I straightened the blue locks, exposing my forehead just a bit in the center before returning back to my room to get dressed. I stepped into my room, looking at the strategic clutter of my belongings all over the place and went to the neatly folded pile of clothes I sat aside in my desk chair the night before.

I picked my way through the clutter and made it to my desk, removing the towel situated low on my hips as I reached it and tossed it in the hamper to get dressed. I quickly put on a pair of dark blue briefs and dressed in a pair of black, ripped at the knee fitted jeans, an all white Gucci V-neck shirt and a blue jean Gucci jacket with a roaring tiger printed on the back of it. I smoothed my hand over my outfit and turned to put on all my favourite rings and accessories, slipping them on and adding some extra bracelets and a Chanel earring just for fun to complete the look. I checked myself out in the mirror, smoothing everything in place and approved my appearance before grabbing my phone and earbuds to head downstairs to the kitchen and meet my mom.

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