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Taehyung Pov

   ‘That bastard’. I scowled inwardly as I touched my forehead self-consciously. ‘Curse the day I inherited my mom's forehead!’ I thought bitterly as I peaked over at him and saw his smug expression as he jotted down the notes. Earlier, I caught the way he got overly excited for Lily and I couldn't resist the need to piss him off but now I'm stuck by him for the rest of the year. ‘Just my fucking luck,’ I rolled my eyes as the teacher rambled on and on about the syllabus. I was barely listening when I let out a loud sneeze, scaring Jungkook as he jumped in fright and causing his pen to tear through his paper like butter. He shot an aggravated glare at me while I innocently batted my eyelashes mouthing, ‘oops’ as he mumbled under his breath and got another piece of paper and continued doing his notes. ‘That's what you get, bastard.’ I huffed in annoyance as I sat next to his easter bunny ass.

   Just looking at him annoys me. The sound of his breathing irks me. There was a time when we were super close. Real 'Bros before hoes' type of friends. We wore matching outfits and held hands all the time when we were kids. However that all changed when I experienced my first heartbreak at the ripe age of six. Our parents went clothes shopping together and they bought me an outfit that sparkled so bright under the sunlight and I loved it so much!!! So me being the best friend to ever best before, I made them buy him one as well so we could match! But when I showed him the outfit, he cried and said it was ugly and didn't wanna wear it!! The pain in my heart was legendary as I ran home crying in my sparkling gold jacket! Some would say 'that was so long ago' but he kept doing things like that to me.

   In kindergarten, I wanted to sit and draw with him during Arts & Crafts and gathered my paper and Pokemon backpack as he pulled out his 24 pack of Jumbo crayons from his iron man backpack and sat it on the table. I wanted to use his crayons but everyone swarmed him, blocking my path and view of my best friend. So to pull them away, I took out my 120 crayon box set with a built-in sharpener- ‘as seen on Tv’- and let them play with them instead. When they ran over to my desk I went over and sat with him but he just stared at the other kids with tears in his eyes. I touched his shoulder, not liking that he was sad and gave him a yellow crayon from my box named "Sunny Bunny." It was my favorite crayon out of the whole box because it reminded me of him.

He took it from me and snapped it in half. I cried again.

   In 4th grade, the girl that I had a small crush on gave her chocolates to Jungkook instead but he rejected her and made her cry!!  I went to comfort her but she yelled at me saying all boys were stupid and gross. I walked around in a daze after that, not even noticing the blushing girl shoving her organic chocolates into my arms and running away squealing. After that, it was just little things going back and forth between us until I practically drowned him by pouring water over his face after an argument about pokemons. But that was after he squeezed my balls to win the fight he was desperately losing during our wrestling match!

    Even after we parted ways, we were forced to attend each other's birthday parties and it was just awful. We began to make competitions out of everything. Eating, dating, friends, popularity, sports etc. Though he dominated in most sports, I excelled at making connections and fashion. We both know how to impress a crowd but I know for sure that I am better. 

   "So does everyone understand what is expected of them this year?" The teacher asked as the hour long class came to an end, The class as a whole shouted yes and the teacher quickly dismissed us, giving last minute tidbits and encouragement as we packed our belongings. I packed my bag and shot Jungkook a withering look of absolute loathing and left him to attend my other classes. When lunch time came around, I unfortunately had to see Jungkook surrounded by the school jocks as they walked down the school's main hall, taking up more space than necessary and couldn't help but to roll my eyes at them which didn't go unnoticed. 

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