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Jungkook pov

    My nerves settled down once the blue haired bastard sauntered off to join the crowd, talking loudly as he went and breathed a sigh of relief once he was out of sight. I counted to ten to gather my wits and ran my fingers through my hair before turning towards my friends with an apologetic expression.

   "I'm sorry about that, guys." I say sincerely, meeting their eyes. "He annoys my soul." Hoseok snorted as he adjusted his arm around Yoongi's waist and answered me.

  "I really think you guys would get along if you just stop bickering all the time and try to have a conversation. I think you could be best friends." Hoseok responds kindly, patting my shoulder. I scoffed at that, highly doubting that me and Taehyung could ever be cordial with one another.

  "Perhaps give him a chance?" Namjoon suggested as he intertwined his fingers with Jin's, lifting their hands to brush his lips over his knuckles making Jin blush and shyly smile up at him. "Tae is a good guy. And I'm not just saying that because he's my cousin."

I nodded my head respectfully but was already rejecting the idea without saying a word. Taehyung and I have a rivalry that goes all the way back to when we were kids. We were friends as babies and had bath time together. Slept in the same crib and even had pictures together but it all came to an end when we started kindergarten. One day, during arts & crafts, I brought out my 24 pack of Jumbo crayons and everyone rushed over and asked to use my crayons. I was suddenly surrounded by popularity and loved all the attention my peers showered on me. However, it was short lived when the boy who I thought was my buddy, my wingman, decided to pull out the 120 crayon pack with a built in crayon sharpener and outshined me in front of my "loyal" subjects! And just like that my popularity was stripped away. Now most people would say that it is petty of me to still hold on to something like that but I disagree because it keeps happening!

In 1st grade, I gave the teacher an apple on the first day of school. Taehyung swoops in and gives the teacher a blueberry muffin right after. I watched in disbelief as the teacher ate the muffin instead because he couldn't eat the apple because of a toothache.

In 2nd grade, I made a volcano for my project and here he comes, the ban of my existence wheeling in a whole damn solar system display that actually rotated around the sun.

In 4th grade, I had a crush on a girl and wanted to receive chocolates from her but she gave them to Taehyung of all people with his missing teeth. Things like that just kept happening between me and the shoe print and it just continued to escalate when our parents would force us to attend each other's birthday parties. Mainly because we lived next door to each other and were the same age. During his sleep over one day, we argued about which Pokemon was cuter between Ash's pokemon. I argued that it was bulbasaur for obvious reasons and he was convinced it was squirtle.

The argument ended with him pushing me down and pouring a bottle of water on my face until I was forced to agree with him. The bastard was already taller and bigger than me back then while I was on the scrawny and short side of the spectrum and that annoyed me. When I finally went through puberty, I remember the day like it was yesterday. My voice changed suddenly and sounded deeper and soon the girls in my class wanted me. But guess who had to go through puberty and show up? Kim-fucking-Taehyung! He showed up with his deep ass voice and waddled into the picture and it grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.

Ever since then, I worked out and read all the magazines about what girls liked in a man and tried to imitate that prince-like image in the magazines. However, it turns out that was completely not my style and I quickly gave it up after a few months. Eventually, something changed about me and now people throw themselves at me left or right. It didn't matter if it was a man or woman since I gained muscles and grew into my features.

  There's just way too much between us and I just can't get over it unless he stops! I sighed heavily, my mood souring once more until Yoongi snapped his fingers in front of my face, drawing me back into the present. "You're not gonna give him a chance are you?" He observed looking at my expression.

   "I'll think about it." I smile weakly but I can tell they're not buying it. The bell rings and class is bound to start any minute now and begin to say our goodbyes. We agreed to meet up at lunch and went our separate ways. The Namjin duo walking down the hall while holding hands to get to class followed behind Sope. Jimin and Taemin walk two doors over and literally waltz into the class making their classmates laugh at the elegant dancers. I stood outside the door to my first class but when Taehyung tried to walk inside, I slammed the door in his face, leaving him shocked and pissed off as I cackled loudly in my revenge. I smiled in triumph as I took my seat when the door forcefully swung open, revealing a pissed off Taehyung as he glared at me from the doorway. I smiled innocently at him and mouthed "one point for me" and his eye twitched in response. He walked between the aisles but not before 'accidentally' kicking my backpack and sat down at an empty desk near the back.

  We shared a heated look before I turned away and became engrossed in my phone, checking my notifications when Lily, the girl that I'm currently interested in, walked into the classroom. I perked up and sat up straight in my seat, hoping she would choose the seat next to me. When she saw me, her eyes lit up with joy and she quickly made her way over but a shadow fell over me as someone slid into the vacant seat next to me. Lily steps faltered as the seat was taken and I quickly turned to see what dipshit cockblocked me and my jaw dropped in shock.

   "Excuse me." Taehyung's deep voice drawled as he dropped his notebook on the desk and scooted his chair closer to the desk. I stared in disbelief at him, Glancing between him and Lily as he calmly set up his supplies while Lily shifted on her feet with uncertainty. The teacher swooped into the class at that moment, calling out to Lily and other students standing to take their seats and she reluctantly walked away to sit where Taehyung previously sat with a look of confusion on her pretty face.

  "What the hell?!" I hissed at him from under my breath and he had the audacity to smirk at me, his eyes sparkling with glee as he whispered,

"Two points for me, bitch." And I had to bite my tongue to keep me from losing my cool.

"I'll get you back for this, you wimpy bitch." I hissed under my breath and the only response he gave was a kiss. I wrote on a piece of paper and pushed it over to him. He looks down at it with a raised brow before picking it up and reading its contents.

   Kook: 'Can you just disappear and never come back?' and he scoffs at the note and begins scribbling on the paper before shoving it back to me.

Tae: 'oh you mean like your upper lip?'

and I had to stop myself from ripping the paper up out of anger. The nerve of this bastard! I scribbled back.

  Kook: 'No, I mean like your hairline.'

I shove the note back and watch as he reads it and unconsciously rubs his forehead before balling up the note throwing it to the side. I smirked. So that's your weakness. Game on, bitch.

2points for Tae. 2 points for JK.

Mr. Popularity. [Taekook]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora