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Sometimes you don't miss the person, but the memories

Esmeralda Torres.

The sixteen-year-old has been through quite a lot. Her mother, Diana Torres, née Fallon, the woman who gave birth to her has been yelling at her for the past half hour because of something she was born with, but that isn't anything new. What is new is the front door unlocking and opening to reveal her father.

Sebastián Torres, her father, her sweet, kind, father walked through the door his eyes widened, his mouth went ajar, and his hand went to his mouth at the scene before him. His wife standing Infront of his daughter, Esmerelda sitting on a chair tears rolling down her face trying to keep a brave face on, but it is cracking by the minute, yelling at her for being born, all the small mistakes she's done, saying she's not being good enough for her. All her insults came rolling off Diana's tongue smacking his daughter in the face.

Diana raised her hand and Esmeralda flinched, Sebastián forwards out of his frozen state and blocked her from getting hit. He stared at his wife outraged at what she was about to do. "What do you think you are doing Diana?!" Sebastián yelled horrified. Diana looked shocked he was there.

"I-I was teaching the girl a lesson what does it look like Sebastián!" she responded loudly. She didn't think she was doing any wrong. Diana was surprised he stopped her, she thought he would be grateful. "She deserves it for being a siphon! She could kill us all, and you are stopping me!" She yelled at him

Esmeralda Torres is a Siphon. She also could do some elemental magic; she gets it from her dad.

"Of course, I am stopping you! She was born a siphon, God, what is wrong with you" Sebastián raged at his wife, "we are leaving, and you won't stop us." Sebastián took out some power he made earlier and blew it in his wife's face which made her unconscious before she could object. He looked towards his daughter, "oh good lord, sweetie are you okay? Oh, never mind that of course you aren't."

"Don't worry about me dad let's just get out of here, I can tell you everything in the car," Esmeralda smiled lightly at her dad and went to leave, but she got pulled into a hug. "just know that I am so sorry, and I love you so much. Oh, and we will be having that talk in the car," her dad said with a playful scolding at the end.

Esmeralda got to her room and started packing her things. Once she finished, she sat on her floor and started sobbing silently to not worry her dad. She tried to not cry Infront of her dad, she was close when he hugged her, she didn't want to make him feel worse. She wiped her tears and looked in the mirror, her hair was a mess, her eyes were rimmed red, and her mascara was running down her face, she cleaned her face right away.

"Hey Dad, where are we going? And where did you get the power?" Esmeralda had put her things in the car, her father doing the same, now they were on the road to who knows where. "Um, we could go to California, Chicago, or Virginia?" he responded knowing Esmeralda was a good planner and thinking about places they could hide out, they knew Diana would be back.

Esmeralda was the next person in line to be the leader of the coven after her parents.

"Let's head to Cali, spend a year. Move to Chicago, stay for a year, then Virginia for a year. After we could, well um, I don't know, but we got three years set up."

"Ok, that sounds good. And for your second question, I just had a witchy feeling I would need it, so I brought it to school with me and when I got home, I knew that's what it was for. How are you by the way?"


They spent a year in California, and Esmeralda split her time with school, spells, elemental powers, learning to fight, throw knives, and run. She learned that when she runs, she feels free, she does it every morning and when she needs time to herself. She got pretty good at fighting and she could throw a knife perfectly, her dad got kind of nervous about that. She spent time with her dad when she practiced her magic

During the year they spent in Chicago they met a witch named Gloria; she was a nice witch. It was relatively normal; she practiced her hobbies and then it was time to move again. Diana was still looking for them, they found out that she was to kill Esmeralda so that she has no chance to be the leader, it didn't make sense to Esmeralda.

Esmeralda was once a shy, kind, innocent girl, now she grew her confidence, she became blunter and more had an attitude, she made crude jokes, and she felt better than she ever had before. She liked who she became, and her dad supported her through everything.

Once they got to their new house in Mystic Falls, Virginia, she was nineteen and got a job at the grill because everyone knows that "to find out everyone's secrets you become a bartender," at least that is what her father said. She became friends with Damon since he always came in for bourbon; she knew he was a vampire, so she decided to play a more ignorant role. She was always good at acting. Bonnie found out she was a witch and decided to "teach" her. Esmeralda became an "ally" of the Scooby Gang. She didn't like acting, but she didn't want to come off as a threat and bring attention to herself. She knew what they would think of her. She also had social anxiety so people are always a struggle no matter how confident she is.

She should've known that living in a town with a doppelgänger would bring attention.

She should have known that it was only the beginning.


I know that you can't bartend in Virginia till you are 21 but let's overlook that. She turns 20 in the next chapter since this is like a flashback.
It will be Esmeralda's POV from now on unless said otherwise :)
Let me know if you liked it <3

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