Chapter 2

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3rd person POV:

(A/N I wasn't sure if you could see the pic so I posted it here)

Esmeralda arrives at the school wearing a short dress with pink, orange, and white flowers all over, with white wavy trim

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Esmeralda arrives at the school wearing a short dress with pink, orange, and white flowers all over, with white wavy trim. She had on white gogo boots. Her hair was curled, and fluffy, and it was pinned back to show her face.

Esmeralda POV:

Looking around I saw everyone standing together,  and I made my way over to them. I was about to greet them when I heard a girl's voice run through the speaker, "Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight." We were walking through the crowd when we heard, "This is for Elena. From Klaus." We all stiffened and look towards Elena. Dedicated To The One I Love started playing and I laughed a little.

"That was a lame, cheap shot. He's just trying to bait us." Damon said looking around.

"I know everyone here," Elena told us.

Stefan spoke up, "Maybe he's not here. Just wants us to believe that he is."

"It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us." Damon says.

"Good idea," Bonnie says taking the youngest Gilbert's arm. "No, no, I really don't feel like dancing." Jeremy tried to decline. "Too bad," The witch replies as she dragged him away.

"There's Ric. We'll be back," Damon says to Elena and Stefan, then turns to me, "Let's go. I don't trust you to not leave."

We walk over to Alaric. "Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." Alaric says as we approach.

Damon looks over the crowd as he responds, "I'm not impressed." Damon was looking away so he didn't catch that Alaric's disappointed look, "No?"

"I thought it was cute," Damon and Alaric looked at her, Damon with a disappointed look and Alaric with an amused one.

"Let me know if you see anything out of whack." He leaves leaving me with Alaric.

I groan as he walks away, "I just want to be in bed watching Netflix. One of us is gonna die tonight, I can feel it."

"Cute?" Alaric says in a disbelieving tone like he's still processing I said that.

"Huh? Oh yeah, it's cute and tacky like," I pause attempting to find the right phrase for the simile I'm trying to say, "getting asked out on Valentine day." I cringe after I say it and walk off before I say something again. All I hear is Alaric laughing as I walk away.


I was walking out of the hallway when I saw Jeremy get thrown on the ground with three guys surrounding him as they all start to kick him.

"Hey!" I yell as I run over and push one guy off, then punch the other in the throat and kick the last one in the legs at the same time.  I pulled Jeremy to his feet and pulled him towards me to get him away from the kids.

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