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I hate to be a bitch with the a/n but I haven't been posting bc of school and even before that idk I just forgot haha *sweats*

I blame it on my undiagnosed ADHD but who knows. exams are soon and I'm supposed to be working on my fucking APHG unit work. Damn, I f-ing (trying to work on my cursing, my mom hates it around my 11yr brother) hate that class. anyway so I might not post for even more time but yall are just gonna have to remind me tbh.

so if you see this and truly want to see more. leave a comment. I'm on Wattpad or ao3 like 24/7 which would make you think that I have free time but NoOoOoOo okay whatever. sorry I branched a lot here

ill try to work on it but damn this is a lot of work. it'll get easier once I get to the traveling part --  more freedom after and during that.


omg a lot has happened since i posted this the first time

1st i came out as bi

2nd i got a nose ring and cut my hair -- it was really long before

3rd i now have social anxiety and ADHD but like real recent found that out. its nice to know I'm not as stupid as i thought.

4th by bff who lives across the country is moving back this june (its 4-19) and I'm so fucking excited. we both like each other but its hard to commit across country so yeah. we'll see how that goes ;)

and probably more shit but i cant remember rn. its also 12:42 and i need to work on my unit work.



also if you see anything in this fanfic that you think will help like grammar or like better descriptions or something else PLEASE comment i would love the advice <3 I'm good with constructive criticism.


but obviously don't be a dick about it but yeah that shouldn't be too hard right *creepy smile*

k bye y'all


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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