Chapter 12

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Xenia's P.O.V
I don't know how long it's been since I have fully been able to see him. I just keep replaying the event over and over. I cant get his lips, his skin, nor his scent out of my head. My wolf is growing weary and impatient. She needs to feel him once more, see him, smell him again. Even so, I have more pressing matters right now. I need to plan our next attack on the Endo clan. "Alpha" someone pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yes come in."

I set down my paper work on expanding our land and give my undivided attention to Val. "The mission hasn't moved any closer Alpha. What's going on ?" I could hear that she was worried. Not only for the pack but for me too. "Pardon if I'm stepping my boundaries Alpha Xenia but this is a crucial part in our packs history so whatever your feeling the pack feels it too." I look at her and nod. "You're right Val. I'm sorry. These past few days have been a lot for me but I have to get it together I need to really focus on our pack right now." I can worry about Evan later. Right now my priority is my pack. My family. "Ok Val, tell me have any pack members signed up for the infiltration position?" She looked at me almost embarrassed to say. "Only a hand full are really passionate about really going through with it."

What should I do? No one wants to risk their lives for their pack. Is this what I have taught my pack ? Is this what Val meant when she said everything I feel the pack feels it too ? The disconnection from eachother ? "Thank you Val I'll do something about it soon." I have to make a speech. I have to make a speech that shows unity within our community. Something that will not only make them understand but feel it on an emotional level. Soon they will understand that their pack is everything. A pack is a family not a signed contract. Even I have forgotten about unity in a pack. With everything going on with my mate it's no wonder my people feel disconnection from each other. I need to fix that.

"Before I go Alpha." She turned around and took me out of my thoughts. I looked up at her signaling for her to go on. "I suggest a night of fun today for the whole pack." I thought about how the past few months have been intense and tiring. not only for me but for everyone. "That would be wonderful. Tell the whole pack to meet at our river banks at sunset. We will have a Lake Night tonight!" She perked up. Everyone loves Lake Nights. They are nice and calming nights where the pack swims to their hearts content under the bright moonlight. It makes us feel connected to our ancestors. We hear them within the wind the trees. They are everywhere and they are everything. "Right away Alpha Santana!" She turns to walk away but before she leaves I call her out. "Val?" She turns. "Gracias." She smiles and says "De nada." (No problem.) With that she leaves me with my thoughts.

Cara chimes in. "This could be a nice opportunity to get to know him a bit better you know?" I know she was right but how could I face him after what I did with him? It makes me feel like a little girl because I get so embarrassed just thinking about bumping into him again. I'm a woman and still feel childish thoughts. Goddess help me. "Yes cara. I'll see what we can do. I'll try my best." I'll see him tonight under the pale moonlight. I'll see how beautiful he will look tonight. I'll get ready just to see him tonight how silly.

Timeskip- 3 hours later
"Is everyone there Val?" I questioned. I had finally gotten ready having my traditional Lake Night clothes on. Which consisted of native plants and flowers to our pack land carefully hand crafted into a small crown, and a simple white veil dress that was light in the water. I was ready to spend quality time with my pack and maybe even my mate. "Yes, the whole pack came out tonight." I was ready to see everyone. To hear the laughter of my family. I was getting impatient I ran through my pack house and finally made it outside. I felt the light breeze whip my face and saw how the sun is setting. I hurried to the lake. "Buenas tardes familia!" (Good afternoon family!) Everyone turned to look at me and cheered. "Llege tarde, perdon." (I have arrived late, I'm sorry.)They all shook their heads as if saying don't worry. "Bueno empezamos nuestra noche de lago?!" ( Well, should we start our lake night?!) They all chanted and started to disperse. Before they all went I stopped them in their tracks. "Before we all leave for a night of relaxation I want everyone to know that we are not only a pack but a family. Unity within a family is not always easy but I want everyone to know that we are bonded by blood, and blood is thicker than water." I looked at all the smiling faces in front of me and that's how I knew that we were all on the same page.

Although, I did not see one familiar face. "Gracias a ustedes soy quien soy, ahora a divertirnos!" (Thanks to you all I am who I am, now let's have fun!) They all cheered and I gave them one of the most genuine smile I can muster. Splashes could be heard from all around the lake. Distant laughter and howls could be heard all throughout the lake. "That was a great speech Xenia." Val comes up next to me and says. "Thank you Val now go have fun. You have earned it." She runs into the lake diving straight into it. Now to find Evangelos. It was not too long until I spotted him under the willow tree alone looking at the lakes reflection of the moon. I had to catch my breath at the angel looking man in front of me. It gets to me every time the way his hair falls to his eyes. It looks like the girls of the pack made him too a crown just like mine.

After what felt like an eternity I walked next to him and sat under the willow tree beside him. He turns to face me and his face contorts into embarrassment. His cheeks turn into a shade of pink and his breath speeds up. He gets up to leave but I grab him by the wrist and easily make him fall into my lap. "Hola mi amor." I smile at him. "H-how did you find me ?" I chuckle at him as he adverts his eyes. "How could I not?" I nuzzle my nose into his neck and breath in his calming smell. He speaks. "I liked your speech. To your pack I mean." I look at him and smile. "I didn't think you were there to hear it, but I am glad you liked it. I meant every word I said to them." I look at the moon noticing how especially bright it is tonight. "After all, they are all I have." He looks at me with an unreadable expression but signaling me to go on. "The pack is all that I have been taught to serve. Never did I think about abandoning them. Not like they did." Never again. "I was wondering if you could tell me just something, anything about you Evan." He contemplated it for a second. Then proceeded.

"I don't know why you want to learn about me so badly." He turns to look at my pack enjoying their time basking in the moonlight. "Where I come from they mistreated their omegas. Using them almost as slaves." The statement threw me off. It angered me how someone could treat him so badly or a whole group of status that way. Those ways have long been erased from our systems yet there are still being used in some packs. Sickening. I trace my fingers over the old calluses on his pale palm. Almost as if noticing what I was doing he retracts his palm away from me. "They had no mercy for us. None. They worked us to the bone and never once respected us." A stray tear left his eye and a pained look was brought upon his face. I turn his head and kissed the tear away. "I won't let that happen to you ever again. You are part of my family now. I will protect you from now on." I slowly bring my lips towards his and proceed to give him a kiss that hopefully embodied the amount of love I have grown to have for him in a short amount of time for him.

"But that's just it Xenia. I can not be with the epitome of my hatred." He whispered. I held him tighter. "I refuse to give you up my love." I intertwined my hand within his small ones. "I may be everything you hate and loathe but you are everything that I love and cherish now." I smiled and carried him into the water. We kept an unbreakable eye contact. I set him down as he kept his arms around my neck. It felt perfect. Down to the way the moonlight made him shine to the way his hair shifted in the light breeze. I wish I could stay this way forever. "Soy tuya. Completamente tuya."


Hey, how yall doing?! First of all happy holidays and happy new year!!! I just wanted to apologize for postponing this chapter for a while. Although, you know with the New Year I wanted to start it off right, so I made this chapter extra long and give a bit (not all) the information about evangelos's past and a bit about xenia too also something heartwarming to end it. Enjoy and thank you all for 9k reads really thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

- Author

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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