Chapter 10

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Xenia's P.O.V
     "Alpha, We've found someone." Artemis told me. "What already?" I didn't expect to find someone this soon. " Alright tell them to meet me in my office in five" I ordered. "Yes Alpha." She left and soon brought in a lanky looking guy. "This is Andre. He's one of our warriors." He doesn't look like much. "Thank you Artemis leave us be." She looked at me skeptically. "Yes Alpha." I looked him up and down and I wasn't very impressed.

     He had brown hair, looked 5'10, with brown eyes and a lean body. "So Andre why exactly do you want to do this? Hmm?" He looked extremely nervous and knew he had to answer this right. "I want to do it because I want to do something for the pack. These days I've been feeling useless and I want to make up for it." He looked me dead in the eye as he said this. "I only asked why you wanted to do it not an autobiography." I chuckled and said "But you do know that going into this mission could cost you your life right?"

     I needed someone who wouldn't back out at first sight of failure. I needed someone who would endure. "I do" He said in a confident manner. He no longer wore the expression or demeanor of nervousness. His aura completely changed. "And you do know that if you were to find your mate in this pack you would have to betray them right ?" He suddenly looked conflicted. I totally understand why he would be.

     "Why would you make him think like that Xenia?" Caria spoke. "I have to make sure I am putting the future of the pack in good hands. "You may have a point Xenia." He suddenly spoke up. "I'm sure." He said. I sighed and said "Very well I will interview a few more wolfs and if no one seems fit then I will let you know. For now just wait until we let you know understood?" "Yes alpha." He did. "Good you may leave." Could I really rely on the future of this pack to one of my pack warriors? I mean if they get caught it could end their lives and not to say that they won't torture information out of them. I can't just let one person hold that big of a burden.

Maybe I can get two on this mission. It could be riskier but they could help each other find more information. I can't think about the if's it is my duty as the alpha of this pack to make sure that this plan is full proof and solid. The question is, would he believe it ? A wild wolf just showing up to his front step and at times of wars as well? All these questions flowed around my mind. I shouldn't be anxious. If I even show a bit of my anxiousness to the pack, they'll know something is wrong. I shouldn't be all too worried about this. There is still a ton of work to do today. Preparations for the ceremony, signing documents, checking on the pack. I sighed. I thought back to Evan. I wonder what he's doing. Is he missing me as much as I am? I doubt it, but in time the mate bond will be too overwhelming for both of us.

How is it even going to work? He hates breathing the same air as me so that's a no go. I don't even have a clue as to why he hates me. He doesn't open up about it and I don't think he will anytime soon. Just thinking about it makes my heart throb in pain. I decided to just keep on with my paperwork.

Evangelos's P.O.V
     I need to leave this place. I don't want to be here. Why can't she just let me go? But, even if she does let me go I won't make it far. Where would I even go? Not only that but the mate bond is growing more and more everyday. I can't just up and leave. It'll drag me down. So I'll stay for now until I figure something out. I'll play along for now. "It's not going to work." Cas said. "So now you wanna talk?" I was rather annoyed because he only talked when it benefits him. "Come on Evan, do you even have a real home? Family to go to?" He tried convincing me. "How could you say that Cas? She is keeping us captive here. She only wants us because it benefits her." I couldn't stand how she thinks she loves me. She knows nothing about me.

     Us being her mate doesn't mean that we automatically have to love her. "She gives us a reason to live Evan." I couldn't take what he was saying. "No, she gives you a reason to live. Not me. I don't love her and she can't force me to either." I cut the communication and decided to step into the shower to think. One thought lingered my mind. "I'm going to become the Aleph of this pack." I can't run a pack. I'm just an omega. I've never even heard of an omega running a pack. Looks like I'll have my work cut out for me. Should I go around and see the pack for myself? No, Xenia said she'll introduce me at my ceremony so I rather not do anything to cross paths with her. That's the last thing I want right now. I'll ask her some questions when she comes.

Hey EVERYONE. IM SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN ETERNITY. I've just been super busy because of school and then I kind of had writers block. But I hope that I'll post more often now that it's vacation for me. ALSO THANK YOU SO ,MUCH FOR 1k READS I LOVE YOU GUYS. AND YES I READ EVERY COMMENT AND I FEEL ALL WARM INSIDE KNOWING THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LIKE THIS STORY. ANYWAYS THANK YOU AGAIN AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS.
- The Author

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