Chapter 7

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*All I need is to be struck
By your electric love
Baby, your electric love
Electric love
You make my heart beat like the rain
Surround me
Hold me deep beneath your weight*
Evangelos P.O.V
     "How could I have ended in this woman's arms again!" I thought. We have been walking in silence ever since she found me. "How stupid of me to get rescued by her." I thought. "Worst thing is, not only is she carrying me in an embarrassing way, but I could also feel her eyes on me. every few seconds." Could things get any worse? "Evangelos?" She said. And it just did. "What?" I said softly looking straight into her eyes. I quickly diverted my whole face. She set me down to stand on my own which was really unlucky for me because of my non working legs, but luckily I was close enough to a tree. It was still raining so why would we stop?

"Evangelos look at me." She commanded. I didn't bother to obey. She grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. Her eyes turning dark with lust stared at me. Her face gradually coming closer. "Are you scared of me? Hm?" I wasn't only scared of her I was terrified for her. Not only that but I hated her for what she is. "Yes I am scared of you. I'm terrified." I said honestly. Thunder crashed. "Are you scared of what I might do?" She questioned. "Yes I am." I said. She trapped me between her and the tree. When did that happen? "So if I did this." She slid her cold hand inside my shirt and started to kiss my neck. "Would you stop me?"

     My breath hitched and I involuntarily shuddered. I hate myself for letting myself get touched like this. I should have pushed her away when I had the chance but for some unknown reason my body refused to listen. My body was listening to this woman in front of me. She finally stopped what she was doing and looked at me. She started to get closer to my lips until they were  only inches apart. I could feel my cheeks heat up. The bad thing is deep down I wanted her to continue whatever it is we were doing, but before she can she stopped. She had a smug smile on her face and that's when I got out this daze. "How dare you touch me like that! I never gave you consent Alpha." I huffed. She only laughed. "Come on let's go she said. "No. You can leave without me. I don't need your help." I stated. "If I remember correctly you were the one that clung onto me." She whispered in my ear. I pushed her away feeling my cheeks heat up once again. I turned around and started to "walk".

She chuckled and all of a sudden I felt my legs no longer touch the ground. "PUT ME DOWN!"I shouted. "You sure are feisty for an omega."
She said. "Yeah well I didn't ask for your opinion did I?" I looked away. After a while I started to get drowsy. No I can't fall asleep I need to stay awake, but it was no use my eyelids started to feel like bricks and I fell asleep.

Xenia's P.O.V
"Looks like he fell asleep." Cara said. "It seems so." I smiled at the sight in front of me. We arrived at the pack house. I need to get him and I out of these wet clothes or we will both get sick. I carried him up to my room and set his wet body on my bed. I mind linked the pack doctor again to ask to check him for any external or internal injuries. I started to get undressed and proceed to throw every wet piece of clothing in the corner of the room. I put on my pajamas and walked to the side of the bed where Evangelos was. I got on top of him and started to unbutton. Good thing he had a button up or else this would have been so much harder.

As I started to unbutton one button at a time I started to imagine unholy things. Cara was behind all of the images. "Stop it you horn dog! This isn't the time for this!" She tched and said "Whatever suit yourself." I quickly took off his shirt and that's when he decided to finally wake up. He fluttered his eyes open and observed what was happening. Let's just say that him being shirtless and me on top of him didn't really give me justice. He dangerously said "What. Are. You. Doing?" Uh oh. He pushed me off of him and stood up. "You sick pervert!" He shouted. "Wait that's not what I-" Before I finished that sentence he walked up to me and started hitting my head.

"Wait- ow hold on you idiot!" I shouted. I grabbed his pale thin wrists and only saw his flushed cheeks. He was rather shorter than me so this was rather cute. "I only wanted to get you out of your wet clothes so you wouldn't get sick." I said in an annoyed tone. His mouth turned "O" shaped. I chuckled. I let go of his wrists and gave him the clothes that I got. "Here I'll step out of the room for you to change."
He didn't say anything and I walked out. I let out a sigh. After a few minutes I opened the door again and he had the oversized sweater I gave him and the basket ball shorts I got. I noticed that his hair was still wet. "Hey Evangelos can I dry your hair?" He glared at me and shook his head furiously. "I'll take that as a yes." I said. I got a towel and sat down in a chair. I motioned him to sit down on the ground. He crossed his arms and raised a perfect eyebrow.

I sighed and grabbed him. His back was to me. And so I started to dry. I gently rubbed his head. "Evangelos why did you run away?" I said accidentally leaking out an ounce of sadness. "Isn't it obvious? I don't want to be here. I hate it here and I hate you." He said with pure hatred. "Do you really mean that?" I said. "Every. word." He said coldly. Why? Why do I feel like I've just gotten my heart ripped out and spit on? I could feel my eyes water. What the fuck? I haven't cried in years. I got up and left the room. I met the pack doctor in the hall way and she saw me crying. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "He's in my room." I managed to spit out. I walked past her and went into my office. I locked my door and started to sob. Maybe I really can't do this.

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