Tuesday, June 22, 2021 (Lumity, A.P. Part 1)

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I had just spent time with Luz again. We visited the library today like last time and I got her a book from her favorite manga series. Even though she didn't want me spending my money for her, I insisted. How could I refuse with her not having a manga from her favorite series? And besides, I had a good amount of money with me. Despite the price, getting it for her was worth it. It's a pretty thick manga so I'm sure it'll be a long read for her. I also would have invited her to my secret Pride Prom that I'm having when my friends come over for my father's birthday party but I don't know if she can make it even though she has a flying license and possibly a broom of her own. I recall hearing her saying something about having to visit her relative with her family on Thursday. She'll be out of town. I hinted how I liked her though and received a look that seemed negative. So of course me being who I am covered it up by telling her that I liked her as a friend. I think she let it go. She's dating a guy and is straight anyway. It's impossible that she'll feel that way I feel about her. I just wish I at least have a chance with her. She's so cute with her smile and smells good too. And her laugh is so iconic that I may laugh like her sometimes. Whenever I'm around Luz, I always want to do coupley things with her. But not in a pervy way! Stuff like holding her hand, cuddling, light-hearted kisses, etc. Ugh! Why can't she be bi or something! And I've known her longer than her boyfriend! And he asked her out over text when they go to the same school despite COVID-19! I bet he's not even that "great"!  I've shown her more affection than he does! So what gives?! Just because he's biologically a boy and they both like anime?! I'm trying out more anime because of her! Even though I don't really like how long Naruto is or how old-looking Dragon Ball is! If I could, I'd transform Luz's boyfriend into an abomination or something! Is it because of the mysterious charismatic charm? I'm not that but my emotional issues count as mysterious? I mean, I'm not really letting know about my depression issues and act happy most of the time but it's a deep covered mystery? Guess the Yuri-like people will always be chosen over the Sayori-like people. I just really wish I at least have a chance with her. I'm a good person. So why am I never liked in real life? I'm always there for her. I'm a good listener. She just never tried. I really wish I have a chance with her. Wow this was a long rant. Welp, time to do my homework now.

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