Saturday, September 11, 2021 (Lumity P.A.)

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Waking up after a night of exhilarating texting with my new girlfriend, I grab my Demon Realm's version of a phone and immediately text Amity. I greet her and get up to do my homework. After an hour, I check my "phone" only to see that she didn't even read it yet. I am alarmed because Amity usually always sees my texts in a few minutes. Today is our first date and she shouldn't be sleeping in this late. I start spamming her in fear of being stood up. After 10 minutes she's online. I squeal in excitement and she apologizes for waking up late. In a few mere minutes, I'm dressed to impress, had combed hair to the point of flatness, and made my complexion to the best it can be. I'm out the door and in something like a bus. I ride it to Amity's house and she's outside waiting. Amity climbs aboard and I greet her. My eyes widen in admiration of how pretty she looks. She dons a sunflower shirt with stylish ripped jeans. Then, I see her "bird" shaped purse. " Your purse is so pretty! Like you." I whisper to her, knowing how she's only out to my friends and I. She blushing and I point out to her how I get to finally see her reactions to my flirting in person. After a while, the bus arrives at the bookstore and we go inside. First, we head to the coffee shop that collabs with the interior of the bookstore. Amity, my beloved(Tubbo X Ranboo reference), orders a black tea with no sugar while I flirt(whispering) with her more by telling her how she's the opposite of bitter and dark. After her, I order a mocha frappuccino with no whipped cream. We take our drinks and on instinct we walk toward the manga section. I fangirl over the newest Super Justice Academy manga and grab it to buy and add to my collection. Amity and I recommend each other book suggestions and head back to the coffee shop after grabbing books to read. We sit and read while talking in between a few pages. I express to her how inadequate I feel compared to what she's reading in a comical way. While I'm reading manga and graphic novels, she reads the school assigned book that she enjoys, Guardian Entity of Flies. We talk about each other's books and take an interest in our books. I rant about how funny and great the High-Low(the one with the blond robot boy who acts like he's born yesterday, lost his memory, and has to fight his creator Razorwalk who is trying to come to Earth) series is while she summarizes Guardian Entity of Flies. Our eco-friendly straws get soggy and I offer to get her more straws since I'm the one taking her out. I leave her for a bit and panic over where to find straws. I walk over to the one running the coffee shop and ask for more straws. I receive better straws and walk back to Amity. We throw away our old straws and read while chatting more. Soon, we get up to head over to where this graphic novel with queer characters are and agree how queer representation of any sort are likable. Amity and I want to walk around more but realize how late it's getting. We buy our books and leave the bookstore. With my balancing skills, I hold my three books and coffee while Amity panics over how likely a collapse seems. As we board another bus, I assure her that she doesn't need to help. We sit and I set my books aside. I thank her for coming and express how great our date was.

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