Sunday, July 4, 2021 (TodoDeku, W.)

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As my mom drives me into Kirishima's driveway, I look out the car window and see 3 dogs standing at the sliding fence gate. I immediately get excited and rush out to greet not my friends, but the dogs. After a few seconds of petting them, I turn to Kirishima and ask about the dogs' names which turned out to be Obsidian, Coal, and Boomer. I follow Kirishima inside to his house and see that Kacchan, Uraraka, Ashido, Todoroki have already arrived. Eagerly, I join them and we talk for a bit before Iida, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and a new person come in. I speak to the new girl and realize that she also likes heroes and her name is Kendo. Unfortunately, we're not into the same heroes but we do both like Lady Nagant. Soon after, we go outside and prepare for the water balloon war they have everytime they gather at Kirishima's house. Kacchan, Uraraka, Todoroki, and I are new to the game so the "veterans" explain the rules to us. We get started and we have fun playing what was apparently a version of "Capture the Flag". There are two teams with Kirishima, Todoroki, Kendo, and I on one team and everyone else on the other. Our base has an enclosed space with entrances/exits on both sides while the other team makes their base at the wooden and big playground set which easily fits kids my age. My team hangs the flag on a lightbulb that sticks out from the wall. With the overalls I wear to match Todoroki, we are able to carry two water balloons in our pockets, two in our left hand, and one in our throwing hand. The balloons pop a few times in my pocket and I have to dump the water out. A few times, Iida runs to our base and dodges our throws easily. With my quirk, I can hit him easily and better than the others. At one point, I leave the base to sneak around the long way to be near to the opponent team's base to attempt to find where they hid their flag. The first round is called off since the opposing team hid their flag in a flower pot. We restock balloons and rehide our flag inside our base on the fence. The game restarts and I play out my strategy again. This time, I successfully sneak to the playground again and scour the building for a pink headband. Spotting the opponents on the house's porch, I move closer and with the trials of fighting the previous villains, I easily spot the flag and report it to my team. I tell them how I found the headband hanging on the pole which itself is hanging from the inside of the roof. We continue to attempt to steal their flag, this time in a group. Since no one is guarding our flag, Yaoyorozu appears behind us with it. The game is over and my team argues to Iida how the flag was not accessible like how we agreed upon and it turns out that's what is mainly fun for the "veterans". Mentaly, I agree that the debate is fun. I learn that the "veterans" from my team had hidden the flag in bizarre places before instead. After cleaning up what balloon pieces we found and chatting, but mostly complaining about being wet and exhausted, with Todoroki, we go on a jeep ride with Kacchan and Uraraka with Kirishima driving while the others ride on ATVs. Iida and Jiro are on one and in the middle of the excitement, I forget who are on the second ATV. At that moment, in the back of the jeep with my friend Todoroki, I can't help but feel drawn to him for some reason. Agh! Snap out of it! He's obviously straight since he comes from a traditional family and Kachan had just said he doesn't support +LGBTQIA! Inadvertently, I lie my head onto his shoulder and he pets my head in a platonic and affectionate way for a few seconds. When the ride gets bumpy, I raise my head and focus on the scenery. After the pleasant ride, there is a short interlude before sparklers. Tapping myself in the second living room that's off to the side because Todoroki is near the entrance/exit holding Ashido's cat, I try to recompose myself from my bi panic. When it is time for sparklers, I rush past him to the front door and gather with the rest for the sparklers. I stay a distance from Todoroki and acknowledge him with a short sentence when necessary. A few of my friends line up in front of a tripod holding a camera and wave the sparklers to spell "L.L.S." which means "Long live S" in honor of Kirishima and Ashido's dead cousin. Afterward, I line up with others to wave out "July 4" and the pictures of both phrases come out well. Too scared to make "Todo ❤️" for Todoroki with Kacchan, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu, I hang around my friends and soon have to leave because of it's nightfall. I hug a few of my friends goodbye and hug Todoroki a few more times, hoping to see him when we all go camping together in a few weeks. Kendo tells me how it was fun talking about heroes and how she hopes to see me again. I tell her that it was fun and walk to the car hoping to avoid Todoroki from nervousness. Sitting in the car, I think back on today's events and how fun it was. I hope that Kacchan, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu kept what I told them about Todoroki a secret.

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