Been put into a controlled environment (chapter 47)

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A few hours later

In the throne room

Cinder and springtrap where release from the crystal imprisonment with red shadow behind them just incase they try something or try and run while springtrap had his knife take away while there where a few gerudo guards protecting ganondorf just incase while cinder looks at the floor bored as ganondorf was in his throne as he says sounding board even through he isn't now since I'm keeping you both around for a bit I suppose I should have someone watching over you so no one else ends up like the darknut did springtrap chuckles a bit as he says I'm surprised your doing this to your wife as well cinder was silent as she was thinking for a moment into she looks at her hands still trying to comprehend what she now is while springtrap was about to say something else but it became morning and both her and springtrap passed out falling to the floor as ganondorf eyes widened as red shadow had catched them in his tail before they hit the floor  as both him and ganondorf were confused of why this has happened

A few minutes later

Red shadow puts both springtrap and cinder back in the dungeon to keep them there into they have woken up while red shadow leaves and has a word to ganondorf about what is going on while there was also a set of darknuts places inside of the dungeon and outside of the dungeon hopefully to keep Ganon Jr away as ganondorf was still not ready to tell ganon jr about his mother and what happened to her yet

At night

Cinder and springtrap wakes up as cinder rubs her head while springtrap says to her better get use to that it going to happen a lot cinder nodes understanding as she stands up as she says mostly talking to herself all I want to do is hold my baby son but I can't beacuse I won't be able to get near him springtrap puts his hand on her shoulder and says to her don't worry we will figure it out soon cinder nodes as ghirahim walks in sneaking in lea and nitray and rose in while the darknuts were talking with ganondorf about something  as cinder looks at him and her sisters as her sisters look at cinder while lea says smirking a bit and says I see nothing can kill you cinder cinder grins a bit and says hell dosent want me yet the devil or demise properly knows I'll be a handful lea grins as nitray and rose runs over hugging cinder as they says we missed you cinder nuzzles them a bit as vogla whispers in the dungeon to ghirahim get them out now two gerudos guards and ganondorf are coming ghirahim then says to lea and nitray and rose come we will come back later they nodes and quickly followed ghirahim out not knowing the figure of Ganondorf wasn't actually ganondorf it was ganon Jr wearing a wig of his father's hair as he wanted to see what's going on in the dungeon while cinder and springtrap makes small talk into ganon jr secretly pretending to be ganondorf makes the gerudos wait outside as he gose in

In the dungeon with cinder and springtrap

They heard someone walking it as they through it was ganondorf as they watch him into ganon jr reveal himself as cinder looks at him unsure of who he is while ganon jr says in a deep voice sounding a bit like his father directly to cinder ignoring springtrap as he watches over what is going on I want to know if you have something to do with my mother dissapearing from when I was a baby cinder looks at him as she says to him what's her name maybe I might know he trys to think of his mother name as he sort of remember seen it on his birth certificate while cinder looks at his eyes as she remembers them from somewhere It was like a mix of her's and ganondorf eye colour put together as ganondorf was a Goldy yellow and cinder was yellow as cinder looks at him as her eyes widened as she says speechless my son ganon jr looks at her with wide eyes m-mother she looks at him nodding as springtrap whispers to her don't cry it'll set the springlocks off again cinder nodes lightly to springtrap as ganon Jr walks carefully over to his mother while cinder walks over to him as he hugs her tightly while she hugs back and knows he wants answers for what has happened to her But he decided it can wait for a moment as he hugs her while she says to him so what did your father call you ganon jr replies to her ganon jr she blushed a bit and says to him seems he chose the name I told him about before this happened to me ganon jr nodes as the doors of the dungeon open as ganondorf walks in with two darknuts following him in As cinder looks at him as ganon jr already knew who it was as he gulps nervously still hugging his mother as ganondorf watches both his son and his springlocked wife who just came back from the dead as cinder says to ganondorf sounding angry how could you not tell our son about what happened to me he had the right to know what happen ganon jr let's go as cinder gently shoves him behind her near springtrap as ganondorf says beacuse I didn't want him to think it was my fault cinder sighs understanding as ganon Jr says if you want father I would like to volunteer to look after both mother and.... springtrap whispers to ganon jr reveling his name to ganon jr it's springtrap ganon jr nodes as he continues and springtrap you Siad you want them in a controlled environment so here is the offer ganondorf puts his fingers to his nose bridge and says fine but your going to have guards with you so nothing happens to you ganon jr nodes agreeing while ganondorf leaves as so dose ganon jr with springtrap and cinder following him

In the throne room

Ganondorf walks into the throne room with ganon Jr and cinder and springtrap following him while ganondorf speaks two of his best gerudo guards as they then stand next to ganon jr while ganondorf dismissed springtrap and ganon Jr with the gerudo guards as they left while cinder stays as she wasn't dismissed yet as he then stands from his throne and walks to her as when he gets to her he hugs her tightly Which makes her blush as she then hugs him back while he says in sort of a whisper it's all my fault I should of gone with you cinder replies to him it's my fault for trying it on ganondorf continues hugging her as he says you know I actually sent you there for the suit cinder replies well looks like it's here but not in the way it was intended he nodes and let's go of her as he lets her go and join springtrap and ganon Jr which cinder dose but ganondorf decided secretly to watch what happens

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