Back to were it began (chapter 26) major mask

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(now I know ganondorf isn't in major mask but this is how I can make it work to get to Twilight Princess and there will only be a few Major mask chapter's so calm down)

In Hyrule field

Ganondorf was on his horse with cinder while ghirahim was watching in the darkness as they were on there way to Hyrule to pledge allegiance to him not knowing that link is already tell the Hyrule king about there plans While then ganondorf makes his horse walk towards Hyrule Castle buy both cinder and ganondorf have there guard up just incase something go wrong

In castle town of Hyrule

Ganondorf horse walks into castle town as the hyrilans are scared of ganondorf horse from how hellish it looks while it walks towards the castle as both cinder and ganondorf didn't know they are been watched by the hyrilan guards as cinder was still listing if it was going to be a a trap or not

At Hyrule Castle

Cinder and ganondorf get there while ganondorf gets off first and help cinder off his horse while they both walks in the castle as they knew the guards were glaring at them which makes them a bit nervous that something will happen as both cinder and ganondorf plead there allegiance to the Hyrule king and the black wolf gerudo with purple hair and purple eyes as she watches both of them to and so dose the Hyrule king while the guards also watch just incase while the Hyrule king singles the guard's which both cinder and ganondorf notice as cinder growls lightly while ghirahim who was secretly watching them teleports them away which reveals himself while cinder and ganondorf are teleported away so was ganondorf horse

With ghirahim

Ghirahim identity was revealed as he draws a sword and starts fighting the guards and impa while she was there protecting both Link and Zelda as ghirahim fights the guard's hyrila came though Zelda a bit as she dose a bit of a spell that paralyzed ghirahim for a moment giving the guard's then to arrest him and takes him down into the dungeon to question him for cinder and ganondorf location

With cinder and ganondorf

They both appear back in the gerudo desert on there horse as ganondorf was a bit worried about ghirahim wondering how long into he was defeated as both cinder and ganondorf on his horse heads back to the castle when they get there a gerudo takes the horse to the stables while both cinder and ganondorf walks in the castle as ganondorf had a idea of declaring war on Hyrule Castle and take it by force which most of the gerudos are up for as a bit of demise came out through ganondorf as he was drawing up a plan as cinder was watching wondering what sort of a plan it would be and she hoped it wouldn't be one that will get them killed in the end of it

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