11:01 on a Wednesday

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For the first time in months, Amity's dreams that night weren't filled with the harsh, sharp-edged reprimands of her mother, nor were they ruined by images of Luz in first chair, playing away with a confidence Amity had never had. Instead, she didn't dream at all. As soon as she laid her head down, her mind went fuzzy, and peaceful, deep sleep came for her.

She didn't think about her parents.

She didn't think about the concert.

She didn't think about Luz- and what the implications of their relationship were now.

Nevertheless, she was very surprised when she awoke with her read resting on the saxophonist's chest- a saxophonist who was still very fast asleep.

Luz hadn't even bothered to take the varsity jacket off.

She looked cute.

The notion was laughable to Amity, but she didn't try to push it away. If her mind was going to act as a traitor, then so be it. She'd deal with it another day.

Even in sleep, Luz's arm was tossed over her back, hand resting at the bottom of her neck. Luz's faint, feathery touch and gentle, sleepy murmurs must have been what had woken her up. So Luz sleeptalked. That was also adorable, but since her speech was nothing more than incoherent mumbles, it wasn't like she was giving Amity anything to use against her.

Luz must have been able to read her mind. She blinked her eyes open, letting out a huge yawn, and dragged Amity even closer to her with one arm. "Mornin'," she mumbled, and promptly conked back out.

Amity snorted with amusement. Trust Luz to be the lazy morning person out of the two of them. Not that she blamed her. The morning was a relaxing one. The sun streamed through the windows, and the air was warm, and the-

The sun streamed through the windows.

Oh no.

She flung herself out of Luz's arms, hitting her carpeted floor with a thud. "Luz," she hissed, scrabbling to her feet and shaking Luz's limp form violently. "Luz, get up. We're late." A small digital clock on Luz's nightstand betrayed the fact that it was already 11:01 AM. 11:01 AM on a Wednesday in February- a day they still definitely had school.

Well, we're fucked.

Luz groaned and ran a hand through her messy hair as she sat up. "What..." She caught a glimpse of the alarm clock, and her eyes went wide. "Oh."

"Get up!" Amity yelped, grasping Luz's arm and giving it a sharp tug. "Don't you know what today is?"

"I believe," she replied, "that it's Wednesday."

"No- well, yes, but other than that."

Luz squinted at the window like she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. "The... twenty-fourth?"

"It's the day after the mid-winter concert. The second most important day of my entire junior year. The day that will determine my fate for the rest of the-"

"Woah, woah, calm down there." Luz gave her shoulder a brief, reassuring touch. "I'm new, remember? I don't know what all your Hexside traditions are yet."

"Oh. Right." She exhaled, forcing herself to calm down. Getting herself worked up wouldn't help anything. "Today is... drum major audition day."

"Drum... major?"

"I guess at Glandus they probably called them the field commander. You know, the kid they put in charge of the marching band. The one who usually got a weapon or something, and who got all the credit for waving their arms and looking cool. Auditions for that are today after school. And missing Banshee Orchestra this morning isn't a good look for me."

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